February 2: Groundhogs Day
February 6: Deadline to Register for PEP/SRP Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump Field Trip
February 13: PEP/SRP Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump Field Trip - 8:30 AM-2:45 PM
February 17: Family Day - NO SCHOOL
February 18-21: Family Week Break - NO SCHOOL
February 24: Regular Classes Resume
February 28: Gr. 1-3 Speaker Series 10:30 AM-11:30AM
March 3: Grade 1-6 Raymond Celebration of Learning
March 6: All School Ski Trip - Details TBD
March 7: PD Day - NO SCHOOL
Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian
Monday & Wednesday 8:00-4:00 PM (alternating Wednesdays at the Raymond Campus)
Friday 8:00-1:00 PM
Grades 1-3 Mrs. Chandra Gold (Raymond)
Grades 1-3 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)
Reading, Writing and Math tutorials are offered on Mondays and on Wednesday afternoons in Raymond. In Cardston, tutorials are offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
In RAYMOND, there will be no 1-3 tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and Numeracy and Literacy Screening Days.
Grade 4 -6 Mrs. Kain (Raymond)
Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays in Raymond.
There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days.
Grades 4-6 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)
Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Kain to schedule.
Grades 7-9 Mr. John Creed and Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt
Cardston: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Mondays - Feb.10, Feb. 3, Feb. 24
Raymond: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Thursdays - Feb. 6, Feb. 27
Tutorials Cardston schedule Raymond schedule -
Mrs. Gold: Grades 1-3
I hope you’re staying warm during this cold snap. I am excited to get to know your children as the second half of the school year begins. These are some things to work on during February:
Grade 1 Language -
Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending (putting together) the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting (breaking apart) sounds and rhyming the words.
Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week.
Reading Strategies: Using read-alouds (where you read with them) and reading comprehension strategies while they are reading independently can significantly enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the text and improves their overall literacy skills.
Writing: review printing letters (lowercase and uppercase) and practice putting together basic sentences.
Grade 1 Math - continue counting and recognizing numbers to 100. Count by 5’s and 10’s to 100. Practice adding 2 numbers to 20 together and their related facts. Determine a missing quantity in a sum or difference (0-20).
Grade 2 Language
Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long u pairs. Recognize and read words with y as a long vowel as well as R-controlled vowels.
Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week.
Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH)
Writing: plan story writing using a beginning, middle and an end.
Grade 2 Math +/- single digit add/sub with regrouping, names and values of money, count sets of money, skip counting by 20, 25 and 50, fractions, place value to 100.
Grade 3 Language
Phonics: Review reading and spelling of vowel sound spellings
Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week. Reading Strategies: introduce Notice and Note strategies.
Writing: Opinion writing
Grade 3 Math - build numbers to 10 000, skip counting with mystery numbers, mental math strategies
Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6
Welcome to a new month. I can’t believe the school year is half done.
ELAL: We are starting the novel study “The Boy Who Harnessed the wind. We are doing some background research about the author and windmills before we start reading the book. I also have posted read aloud for each chapter in the ELA Google Classroom for students to use.
Math: We are starting decimals and financial literacy unit. Remember to keep practicing multiplication facts up to 12 and reviewing fractions.
Social Studies: Grade 4 and 5 are learning about Canadian Confederacy. Grade 6 is learning about Iroquois Society and their influence on democracy.
Science: We just started the energy unit. Flight, push and pull factors, contact and non-contact forces and much more! We will be doing some fun experiments, playing with snap circuits, and magnets.
Reminder: The deadline to register for the field trip to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump is February 6. I hope to see you there!
Grades 7-9
Mr. Creed
Mrs. Sommerfeldt
Please see our weekly PEP informational message