PEP/SRP Monthly Newsletter



February 2: Groundhogs Day

February 6: Deadline to Register for PEP/SRP Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump Field Trip

February 13: PEP/SRP Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump Field Trip - 8:30 AM-2:45 PM

February 17: Family Day - NO SCHOOL

February 18-21: Family Week Break - NO SCHOOL

February 24: Regular Classes Resume

February 28: Gr. 1-3 Speaker Series 10:30 AM-11:30AM

March 3: Grade 1-6 Raymond Celebration of Learning

March 6: All School Ski Trip - Details TBD

March 7: PD Day - NO SCHOOL


Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian



Monday & Wednesday 8:00-4:00 PM (alternating Wednesdays at the Raymond Campus)

Friday 8:00-1:00 PM



WAS Digital Resources





Grades 1-3 Mrs. Chandra Gold (Raymond)

Grades 1-3 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials are offered on Mondays and on Wednesday afternoons in Raymond. In Cardston, tutorials are offered  on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

In RAYMOND, there will be no 1-3  tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and Numeracy and Literacy Screening Days.

Grade 4 -6 Mrs. Kain (Raymond)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays in Raymond.

There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days.   

Grades 4-6 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Kain to schedule.


Grades 7-9 Mr. John Creed and Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt 


Cardston: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Mondays - Feb.10, Feb. 3, Feb. 24

Raymond: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Thursdays - Feb. 6, Feb. 27

Tutorials Cardston schedule   Raymond schedule -


Mrs. Gold: Grades 1-3


I hope you’re staying warm during this cold snap. I am excited to get to know your children as the second half of the school year begins. These are some things to work on during February:

Grade 1 Language - 

Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending (putting together) the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting (breaking apart) sounds and rhyming the words. 

Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week. 

Reading Strategies: Using read-alouds (where you read with them) and reading comprehension strategies while they are reading independently can significantly enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the text and improves their overall literacy skills.

Writing: review printing letters (lowercase and uppercase) and practice putting together basic sentences. 

Grade 1 Math - continue counting and recognizing numbers to 100. Count by 5’s and 10’s to 100. Practice adding 2 numbers to 20 together and their related facts. Determine a missing quantity in a sum or difference (0-20). 

Grade 2 Language 

Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long u pairs. Recognize and read words with y as a long vowel as well as R-controlled vowels.                                 

Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week. 

Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) 

Writing:  plan story writing using a beginning, middle and an end.

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit add/sub with regrouping, names and values of money, count sets of money, skip counting by 20, 25 and 50, fractions, place value to 100.

Grade 3 Language 

Phonics: Review reading and spelling of vowel sound spellings

Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week.                                                                                                                 Reading Strategies: introduce Notice and Note strategies

Writing:  Opinion writing

Grade 3 Math - build numbers to 10 000, skip counting with mystery numbers, mental math strategies


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Welcome to a new month. I can’t believe the school year is half done. 

ELAL: We are starting the novel study “The Boy Who Harnessed the wind. We are doing some background research about the author and windmills before we start reading the book. I also have posted read aloud for each chapter in the ELA Google Classroom for students to use. 

Math: We are starting decimals and financial literacy unit. Remember to keep practicing multiplication facts up to 12 and reviewing fractions. 

Social Studies: Grade 4 and 5 are learning about Canadian Confederacy. Grade 6 is learning about Iroquois Society and their influence on democracy. 

Science: We just started the energy unit. Flight, push and pull factors, contact and non-contact forces and much more! We will be doing some fun experiments, playing with snap circuits, and magnets. 

Reminder: The deadline to register for the field trip to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump is February 6. I hope to see you there!



Grades 7-9

Mr. Creed 


 Mrs. Sommerfeldt


Please see our weekly PEP informational message 




January 1-5: Christmas Holidays

January 6: Regular Classes Resume

January 6: Grades 1-3 Literacy and Numeracy Screens (Raymond)

January 9: Grades 1-3 Literacy and Numeracy Screens (Cardston)

January 9: Deadline to Register for the PEP/SRP YMCA/Movie Mill Field Trip

January 16: PEP/SRP YMCA/Movie Mill Field Trip - Lethbridge 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

January 20: Grade 1-6 Raymond Celebration of Learning

January 23: Grade 1-6 Cardston Celebration of Learning

January 27: PD Day - NO SCHOOL for K- 9

January 28: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

January 29: Regular Classes - Semester 2 Begins

January 29: ALL SCHOOL Science Fair


 Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian


Monday & Wednesday 8:00-4:00 PM (alternating Wednesdays at the Raymond Campus)

Friday 8:00-1:00 PM

 SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:    WAS Facebook WAS Website


WAS Digital resources


Grades 1-3 Mrs. Annette Bright (Raymond)

Grades 1-3 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials are offered on Mondays and on Wednesday afternoons in Raymond. In Cardston, tutorials are offered  on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

In RAYMOND, there will be no 1-3  tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and Numeracy and Literacy Screening Days.

Grade 4 -6 Mrs. Kain (Raymond)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays in Raymond.

There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days.   

Grades 4-6 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Kain to schedule.

Grades 7-9 Mr. John Creed and Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt 

Cardston: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Mondays

Raymond: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Thursdays

**We are attempting to provide a weekly small group or individual tutorial time for every student please contact John or Juliann for more information about your students specific time. -


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Welcome to 2025! Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. As we continue to spiral through the math and language curriculum during our weekly classes, here is the knowledge and skills we hope to glean by year’s end. Should you have any questions, reach out anytime.

Everyday Speech - Social Skills Lessons

 Grade 1 Language - 

Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending (putting together) the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting (breaking apart) sounds and rhyming the words. 

Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week. Let me know if you are using sight word lists from your curriculum. Otherwise, I have Alberta Ed sight word lists for each grade level. Some of you have talked to me about nonsense words. These are assessed in the literacy screens the district has us do. Here’s some info on the why.

Reading Strategies: Using read-alouds (where you read with them) and reading comprehension strategies while they are reading independently can significantly enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the text and improves their overall literacy skills.

Writing: review printing letters (lowercase and uppercase) and practice putting together basic sentences. The cat sat. For more hints and suggestions on writing please see this article

Grade 1 Math - Count to 20, recognize numbers to 20, count by 2s to 20, describe a number that is 1 & 2 more and less, use of equal sign. Add/subtract to 100.

Grade 2 Language 

Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long a, e, i, o, u vowel pairs.                                   

Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week. Some of you have talked to me about nonsense words. These are assessed in the literacy screens the district has us do. Here’s some info on the why.

Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) 

Writing: We have been responding to what we read through BHH. This is a way for students to summarize the book, say what they think and feel about it. For other writing supports, check out this article.

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit add/sub within 1000, number paths/lines to 1000, review even/odd, printing number words to 100, review forward/backward skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 100
Grade 3 Language 

Phonics: Review reading and spelling of vowel sound spellings

Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week. Some of you have talked to me about nonsense words. These are assessed in the literacy screens the district has us do. Here’s some info on the why.                                                                          Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) More information on grade 3 comprehension strategies can be found here.  

Writing: We have been working on writing strategies through the use of BHH. We will move into different types of writing from December-May.

Grade 3 Math - skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s forward/backward to 100 000 by the end of the year, addition and subtraction strategies, multiplication/division up to 100.


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. 

ELA All the students are continuing to work on their fracture fairytales. We will be done with this unit in approximately 2 more weeks. We then start our novel study “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”. This is based on a true story about William Kamkwamba, who lived in a small village in Malawi. To help his family and village, during a drought, William built a windmill out of scrap metal. This memoir shows young readers how one person can make a difference with hard work and perseverance. We will be starting the reading screens this month. There are 3 screens, which take a couple of minutes each to complete. They will be completed during class time. 

Math All the students are working on fractions. We have been working with benchmark fractions such as ¼, ½, and ¾. We will start working with adding and subtracting fractions in a couple of weeks. 

Social studies, grades 4&5 are working on the history of Alberta and Canada. They are focusing on key figures that helped shape Canadian history. Grade 6 students are finishing up the Ancient Athens model of democracy, then will study the Iroquois model of democracy.

Science All grades are working on the states of Matter. We will end this unit in 2 weeks and then learn about the scientific method and Energy. This school science fair is on January 29. 


Grades 7-9

Mr. Creed 

 Mrs. Sommerfeldt


Please see our weekly PEP informational message 



December 5: PEP/SRP Drumming Field Trip - University of Lethbridge 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

December 6: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

December 9: Deadline to order Library Resources

December 17: WAS All School Family Christmas Party in Raymond 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


  • Don’t miss the WAS-R Jr. High presentation of “Law and Order: Story Book Unit”


December 20: Last Day of Classes

December 21-31: Christmas Holidays

January 1-5: Christmas Holidays

January 6: Regular Classes Resume

January 9: Deadline to Register for the PEP/SRP YMCA/Movie Mill Field Trip

January 16: PEP/SRP YMCA/Movie Mill Field Trip - Lethbridge



Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian



Monday & Wednesday 8:00-4:00 PM

Friday 8:00-1:00 PM



Looking to keep learning fun and engaging over the Christmas holidays? Check out our collection of educational resources designed for all ages! From captivating books and brain-boosting puzzles to interactive games and hands-on manipulatives, we’ve got everything you need to inspire creativity and critical thinking during the break. These resources are perfect for keeping minds active while enjoying quality family time. Order them today and make the holidays both entertaining and enriching!

Deadline to order: December 9, 2024




WAS Digital resources


Grades 1-3 Mrs. Annette Bright (Cardston and Raymond)

Grades 1-3 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials are offered Mondays and Wednesday afternoons in Raymond and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Cardston.

There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days. 

Grade 4 -6 Mrs. Kain (Raymond)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays in Raymond.

There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days.   

Grades 4-6 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Kain to schedule.


Grades 7-9 Mr. John Creed and Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt 

Cardston: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Mondays - Dec. 2, & 9  

Raymond: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Thursdays - Dec. 12 

**We are attempting to provide a weekly small group or individual tutorial time for every student please contact John or Juliann for more information about your students specific time. -



Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you for this week’s outstanding Celebration of Learning accomplishments. Much of the success I am seeing is due to your solid and unwavering at home learning programs. Thank you for all you do. Much of what we do in weekly classes and tutorials is  built around daily literacy and number sense routines. Many of these routines/strategies are the same as what you’ve been doing thus far. This is the last newsletter before 2025. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Grade 1 Language - 

Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending (putting together) the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting (breaking apart) sounds and rhyming the words. 

Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week. Let me know if you are using sight word lists from your curriculum. Otherwise, I have Alberta Ed sight word lists for each grade level. 

Reading Strategies: Using read-alouds (where you read with them) and reading comprehension strategies while they are reading independently can significantly enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the text and improves their overall literacy skills.

Writing: review printing letters (lower case and upper case) and practice putting together basic sentences. The cat sat. For more hints and suggestions on writing please see this article

Grade 1 Math - Count to 20, recognize numbers to 20, count by 2s to 20, describe a number that is 1 & 2 more and less, use of equal sign.

Grade 2 Language 

Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long ‘a’ vowel pairs (ay) stay, say, clay (ai) main, wait, paint. Home practice sheets will be sent home weekly. This gives parents insight into what we are covering each week.  Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week.

Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) 

Writing: We have been responding to what we read through BHH. This is a way for students to summarize the book, say what they think and feel about it. For other writing supports, check out this article.

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit addition within 1000, number paths/lines to 1000, review even/odd, printing number words to 100 , review forward/backward skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 100
Grade 3 Language 

Phonics: Review reading and spelling of vowel sound spellings

Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) More information on grade 3 comprehension strategies can be found here.  

Writing: We have been working on writing strategies through the use of BHH. We will move into different types of writing from December-May.

Grade 3 Math - skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s forward/backward to 100 000 by the end of the year, addition and subtraction strategies, multiplication/division up to 100.


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Happy December!

 In math, grades 4 & 5 just finished multiplication and division problems. The Grade 6 students finished Algebra basics.  Next week we are starting our fraction unit. We will be applying fractions to real-world situations.

In LA, all grades have been practicing descriptive writing and character development. We're going to apply these skills by writing fractured fairy tales.

In Social Studies, we are working on the history of various groups, who helped develop Alberta and Canada.

In Science, all grades are continuing to study Matter. We will be doing some fun hands-on experiments to help reinforce the learning outcomes we are covering in class.   


Grades 7-9

Mr. Creed 


 Mrs. Sommerfeldt


Please see our weekly PEP informational message 



November 4: Deadline to Register for Art & Talent Show

November 7: PEP/SRP All School Art Show - Location TBD

November 8: Wellness Day - NO SCHOOL

November 11: Remembrance Day Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL

November 14: Deadline to Register for the PEP/SRP Military Museum Field Trip

November 21:  PEP/SRP Military Museum Field Trip - Calgary

November 25: Gr. 1-6 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

November 28: Gr. 1-6 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

November 28: Deadline to Register for the PEP/SRP Drumming Field Trip 

November 29: Gr. 1-3 Speaker Series 10:30 AM-11:30AM

December 5:  PEP/SRP Drumming Field Trip - University of Lethbridge

December 6: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

December 17: WAS All School Family Christmas Party in Raymond 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


  • Don’t miss the WAS-R Jr. High presentation of “Law and Order: Story Book Unit”


December 20: Last Day of Classes

December 21-31: Christmas Holidays

January 1-5: Christmas Holidays

January 6: Regular Classes Resume


Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian

Curriculum orders are essential to ensure that all necessary materials are available for students and teachers when the school year begins. Using the resources provided ensures consistency in course content and aligns with the educational objectives set for each program. It supports student success and allows us to address any shortages or updates in a timely manner. Let’s work together to make sure all curriculum materials are in place for a smooth and effective learning experience.

Starting Wednesday, November 6, I will begin alternating workdays at the Raymond Campus. I'd love for you to stop by so we can go over all the resources the library has to offer. No appointment necessary!

Raymond Campus Dates- Nov 6, 20, Dec 4


Monday & Wednesday 8:00-4:00 PM

Friday 8:00-1:00 PM


Sora is an award-winning digital reading app that empowers K-12 students to discover age-appropriate ebooks, audiobooks and more from their school library.

  • Install the Sora App
  • Find Westwind School Division, Cardston
  • Sign in using your Westwind Email & Password



WAS Digital resources



Grades 1-3 Mrs. Annette Bright (Cardston and Raymond)

Grades 1-3 Mrs. Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials are offered Mondays and Wednesday afternoons in Raymond and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Cardston.

There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days. 

Grade 4 -6 Mrs. Kain (Raymond)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays in Raymond.

Due to Monday PD days, holidays and Celebration of Learning, tutorials will begin on October 21, 2024. There will be no tutorials on Celebration of Learning (monthly check-ins) and event days.   

Grades 4-6 Mrs Heather Ryder (Cardston)

Reading, Writing and Math tutorials will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Kain to schedule.

Grades 7-9 Mr. John Creed and Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt 

Cardston: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Mondays - Through December - ** Sept. 16, Oct. 7, 21 & 28, Nov. 4, 18, & 25, Dec. 2, & 9  

Raymond: Teacher Tutorials will be on the following Thursdays - Through December - ** Sept. 12, 19,  & 26  Oct. 3, 10, & 31  Nov. 7, & 28 Dec. 12 

**We are attempting to provide a weekly small group or individual tutorial time for every student please contact John or Juliann for more information about your students specific time. -


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you for a wonderful October celebration of learning; it was truly enjoyable to see the students share the highlights of their home learning with me. Below is an outline of what we plan to cover in November classes. I recognize that each family's curriculum may progress at a different pace than what is outlined here, so please don't feel compelled to adjust it. The linked resources provide additional insights into teaching children how to read, write, and develop number sense.

Grade 1 Language - 

Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending (putting together) the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting (breaking apart) sounds and rhyming the words. 

Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week. Let me know if you are using sight word lists from your curriculum. Otherwise, I have Alberta Ed sight word lists for each grade level. 

Reading Strategies: Using read-alouds (where you read with them) and reading comprehension strategies while they are reading independently can significantly enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the text and improves their overall literacy skills.

Writing: review printing letters (lower case and upper case) and practice putting together basic sentences. The cat sat. For more hints and suggestions on writing please see this article

Grade 1 Math - Count to 20, recognize numbers to 20, count by 2s to 20, describe a number that is 1 & 2 more and less, use of equal sign.

Grade 2 Language 

Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long ‘a’ vowel pairs (ay) stay, say, clay (ai) main, wait, paint. Home practice sheets will be sent home weekly. This gives parents insight into what we are covering each week.  Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week.

Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) 

Writing: We have been responding to what we read through BHH. This is a way for students to summarize the book, say what they think and feel about it. For other writing supports, check out this article.

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit addition within 100, number paths/lines to 1000, review even/odd, review printing number words to twenty, review forward/backward skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 100
Grade 3 Language 

Phonics: Review reading and spelling of vowel sound spellings

Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) More information on grade 3 comprehension stratigies can be found here.  

Writing: We have been working on writing strategies through the use of BHH. We will move into different types of writing from December-May.

Grade 3 Math - skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s forward/backward to 1000, addition and subtraction strategies, visualization of groupings that prepares for multiplication, adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Should you decide to place a scholastic book order our  class code RC160541


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

The celebration of learning days went well. I am very grateful to be able to work with such wonderful people. Thank you families for all your hard work and dedication! 

In Language Arts, we are working on descriptive paragraph writing. Students are practicing adding vivid detail and building their vocabulary skills. We will be starting short story writing in the next couple of weeks. This will include fractured fairy tales. 

In math, we are working on multiplication facts. Grades 5 and 6 are multiplying double-digit numbers. Grade 4 students are working on single-digit multiplication. We will be moving on to division in two weeks. I encourage families to practice working on times table facts up to 12. This will help students as they move into the higher grades.

In science, we are wrapping up the space unit and moving on to the matter unit. Students did a fun science experiment on the phases of the moon. They have also been learning about auroras, comets, and constellations. 

Social Studies 

Grade 4 students completed their first unit focusing on Alberta’s landforms. They will be moving on to the history of Alberta, which includes the early settlers and the fur trade. 

Grade 5 students are working on the second unit of social studies, focusing on Canadian history, including the fur trade. 

Grade 6 students are working on the structure of democracy and are exploring the history of democracy. 

 All the students are working hard in all my classes!

Class Supplies. Please bring the following:

  • Water bottle with name on it  
  • Lunch



 Grades 7-9 

Mr. Creed: 

 Mrs. Sommerfeldt:

Hi all, John and I have loved working with your Jr. High Students. 

Wow! What a great group we have this year!

Please refer to our >>Monday PEP informational Messages<< for detailed class information as well as updates on our weekly progress or any program changes. 

JUNE 2024


June 3: Deadline to register for Family Fun & Field Day 

June 4: Last day of PEP/SRP Grades 7-9 Classes - Raymond Campus  

June 5: Last day of PEP/SRP Grades 7-9 Classes - Cardston Campus  

June 7: End of Year “All School Event” - Fun & Field Day at Raymond VSP from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

June 12: Deadline to register for Family Fun & Swim Day

June 14: All Bar Coded Library Material To Be Returned 

June 17: “All School Event” - WAS Family Swim at Raymond Aquatic Centre from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

June 27: Raymond and Cardston Campuses Closed for Summer 

August 26 : Raymond and Cardston Campuses Open



Monday June 3:    ELAL grade 6 PAT Field Test part A

Wednesday June  5:    ELAL grade 6 PAT Field Test part B

Monday June 10:    Math grade 6 PAT Field Test part A

Wednesday, June 12:   Gr 9 English Language Arts Part B 9 am

Thursday, June 13:    Gr 9 Math Part A 9 am, Math Gr 6 PAT Field Test Part B                                                   

Monday, June 17:    Grade 9 Science 9 am

Tuesday, June 18:   Grade 9 Mathematics Part B 9 am

Wednesday, June 19:   Grade 6 Social Studies 9 am

Wednesday, June 19:  Grade 9 Social Studies 9 am


*Grade 6 English language arts and literature and math provincial achievement tests will not be administered in the 2023/2024 school year. Westwind schools will engage in field testing between April and June 2024. These field tests will help inform the development of future PATs for Grade 6 English language arts and literature and mathematics that align with the new curriculum in these subjects. 


Mrs. Kimberlie Milner: Librarian

As we wrap up another amazing school year, we’re already gearing up for the next one!

Please return all Library Material to your nearest Campus by Friday, June 7.  If you require an extension please contact the Library to make arrangements.

All PEP/SRP students who have completed the “Returning Student Registration” for the 2024-2025 year can order & receive their curriculum early!

Pick Up & Delivery will begin June 3.  

Social Media Links:    WAS Facebook WAS Website


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued collaboration and support throughout this year. The many field trips, events, tutorials, and weekly classes have not only enriched our learning experiences but have also brought our WAS community closer together. It's been truly wonderful to see the growth and camaraderie among our students and staff.

As we look forward to the 2024/25 school year, I am excited about the opportunities and adventures that await us. Please take note of the following monthly/weekly 2024/25 weekly/monthly class schedule and the materials needed.

Tuesday (Cardston) and Wednesday (Raymond)

9:00-10:00 Options and snack

10:00-11:00 Language and built in movement breaks (3 hours per month)

11:00-12:00 Math and built in movement breaks (3 hours per month)

12:00 Dismissal (grades 1-3 pick-up time coincides with grade 4-6 pick up times)

*Beginning in October only PEP students come on the first Tuesday (Cardston) and the first Wednesday (Raymond) of each month for Social Studies and Science from 9:00-11:30. There will be no options on these days.

Class Supplies. Please bring the following:

  • 1 Fully Lined Hilroy Exercise Book (72 Pages) 
  • Pencil grips if needed
  • Water bottle with name on it

Wishing you all an amazing summer filled with joy, relaxation, and memorable moments. Thank you once again for making this year so special. I can't wait to see you all next year!


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

It has been a fantastic year! There are so many wonderful things to celebrate. The field trips, year book and the talent show just to name a few. Thank you families for all your hard work and dedication to our school, especially parent volunteers and our parent council. The support from our families make our school flourish! I am really going to miss the students that are leaving our school. I hope everyone has a great summer, and remember I will always be your teacher. Sincerely, Mrs. Kain. 

Dates for grade 6 PAT. Note, LA and math are field tests. Social studies is a regular PAT.

  • June 3 LA Part A written 9:00 am
  • June 5 LA Part B multiple choice 9:00 am
  • June 10 Math Part A 9:00 am
  • June 14 Math Part B multiple choice 9:00 am
  • June 19 Social Studies 9:00-11:00 am 

Next year's school schedule

Next year, SRP students will be dismissed at 12:00. 

PEP students will need to bring a lunch. They will be dismissed at 2:00 pm.

9:00-10:00 ELAL

10:10-10:40 Option

10:50-11:50 Math

11:50-12:00 clean up and SRP dismissal

12:00-12:30 Lunch PEP students

12:40-1:20 Social Studies

1:30-2:00 Science

2:00 Dismissal

Class Supplies. Please bring the following:

  • 2 inch binder to leave at the school
  • Water bottle with name on it 
  • Fidget toy if needed 


Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

Don’t forget to check the ixl leaderboard-


  • Grade 9 Math (Part A) is Thursday, June 13 9:00 am & (Part B) is on Tuesday, June 18 
  • The  Grade 9 Science is 9:00 am on Monday, June 17                  


Mrs. Heather Burton: Grades 7-9
Finishing up a great year…

For each Gr. 7, Gr. 8, and Gr. 9 student: Thank you. I have loved being your teacher. I care about your life and your learning. You made this year one to remember with a smile.

Have a wonderful, safe, best-ever summer! 

I hope to see you again around town!

Our final week of classes is the first week of June. We’ll take our final typing test, do a special activity, then have fun and treats!  There will be one more tutorial day on Thursday, June 6. Please come for help with finishing assignments or, if you’re in Gr. 9, for help preparing for one of the PATs.

Tip: A great place to practice reading comprehension questions of the kind that will be on the English PAT Part B is ExamBank (username: was, password: distance).

Another tip: This is what you can expect the Social Studies PAT to be like:

All assignments are due by June 15. This is a firm deadline because of end-of-year grades. The exception to this is the Social Studies final quiz, due June 11.


NEW! We are very excited to welcome Mrs. Juliann Sommerfeldt: Grades 7-9 ELA & Social teacher, starting Sept. 2024!

Hello families, I am thrilled to be working with you all and this amazing team of teachers next year. I have a deep passion, and desire to help students come to a point where education becomes a quest rather than a requirement. I’m hopeful that working together to create an environment where the love of learning prevails. Excited to make 2024/25 an amazing educational experience. 


Come check out our amazing WAS “Maker Faire” Extravaganza Days:

Raymond Campus:

Cardston Campus:


Please check out our House Keeping Items:

With this 2023-2024 school quickly coming to a close, there are a few personal belongings that have been left behind.  If your students are missing any of these items, please come pick them up no later than Wednesday June 19th, 2024.  Anything left behind will be donated to the Diabetes Association.  Thank you!


MAY 2024


May 3: “All School Event” - Talent Show at Magrath HighSchool Auditorium from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

May 7: Last day of PEP Grades 1-6 Classes - Cardston Campus -Tutorials Will Continue

May 8: Last day of PEP Grades 1-6 Classes - Raymond Campus -Tutorials Will Continue 

May 9: PEP Science Days Cardston & Raymond (in Magrath at Jubilee Park- The fish pond) “Earth Science & Living Systems”  There’s no bussing available. 10:00 AM start  - No tutorials with Annette 

May 13: PAT Grade 9 ELA Part A

May 17: PD Day ~ No School

May 19: Victoria Day ~ No School

May 24: Deadline to Register for Heritage Park Field Trip

May 27-30: PEP/SRP “See & Do” Maker Faire - No Regular Classes This Week

May 28: PEP/SRP “See & Do” Maker Faire - Cardston Campus at Tanner Centennial

May 29: PEP/SRP “See & Do” Maker Faire - Raymond Campus at Raymond Seniors Centre

May 30: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Calgary Heritage Park “Historical Village Tour” - Bus Departure 7:00 AM

June 4: Last day of PEP/SRP Grades 7-9 Classes - Raymond Campus  

June 5: Last day of PEP/SRP Grades 7-9 Classes - Cardston Campus  

June 7: End of Year “All School Event” - Fun & Field Day at Raymond VSP from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

June 17: “All School Event” - WAS Family Swim at Raymond Aquatic Centre from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM



Monday, May 13  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part A    

Wednesday, June 12  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part B

Thursday, June 13   Grade 9 Mathematics Part A

Monday, June 17 Grade 6 Science

Monday, June 17 Grade 9 Science

Tuesday, June 18 Grade 9 Mathematics Part B

Wednesday, June 19  Grade 6 Social Studies

Wednesday, June 19 Grade 9 Social Studies


*Grade 6 English language arts and literature and math provincial achievement tests will not be administered in the 2023/2024 school year. Westwind schools will engage in field testing between April and June 2024. These field tests will help inform the development of future PATs for Grade 6 English language arts and literature and mathematics that align with new curriculum in these subjects. 

Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you for the amazing home learning reports last week. During these meetings I received so many great ideas for options, grade 1-3 online focus groups and so much more. I will email all these great ideas to you this month. In the meantime we are finishing up government math and language assessments as well as the essential outcomes in core subjects. Our last classes are May 7 & 8. What an outstanding year it has been. I have really enjoyed working alongside you and your children. Tutorials will continue into June. For options, we are working on a couple of very special projects for our moms. Report cards will be going out sometime in June. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Hello families, what an incredible year we have had. I feel very blessed to have worked with all of you. In LA we are wrapping up our poetry unit. The students have written some amazing poems. Remember to have your child turn in 3 poems of any type from their at home program. In math, we are finishing our fraction unit. Our last day of class is the week of May 7th and May 8th. Tutorials will continue to run for grade 6 only so they can prepare for the grade PATs. The PATs will be field tested for LA, and Math, to help inform the development of future PATs. Social Studies will be the actual exam on June 19. Report cards will be going out in June. Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

 May: Review time.  Math

We’ve covered all of the topics so we’re going to do some reviewing in May.

Grade 7 -  

Grade 8 -

Grade 9 -

Just a reminder May 9th life Science

(@ the Fish pond in Magrath) - May 9th - 10AM - 1:30PM

Here’s the sign-up in case you haven’t signed up yet.


Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9

Gr. 7, 8, 9 English

April 30/May 1 and May 7/8: The Book Thief movie, writing a review in the form of a friendly letter. Gr. 9 will also learn the form of a business email and practise using Vretta (online program) for the English Part A (Writing) PAT.

At-home learning through June 4/5:, ExamBank, IXL English - incentives for time spent learning.

Note: Final typing test coming up May 21/22! Please practise! Log into

Monday, May 13, 9 am: Gr. 9 only — English PAT Part A at your WAS campus.

May 14/15: Vocabulary games/reading comprehension “50 words” fun
May 21/22: In-class - research project - finish this at home over the break
May 28/29: Extravaganza Days - Maker Faire week - no classes or tutorials
June 4/5: Last week of classes for junior high. Tutorials by appointment.

Gr. 7 Social Studies

Apr. 29 - Zoom class - Canadian History Review #1
May Final Social Studies Zoom - Mon. May 27 - Topic: Canadian History Review #2

Gr. 8 Social Studies
Apr. 29 - Zoom class - Spanish and the Aztecs - Please study this in the textbook
May Final Social Studies Zoom - Mon. May 27 - Worldviews and the Future (Wrap-up)

Gr. 9 Social Studies
Apr. 29 - Zoom class - How the government handles issues
May 6 - Zoom class - I STRONGLY recommend students use “The Big Ideas” slide show on Hapara to prepare for the PAT.
May 13 - No Zoom due to English Part A PAT for all Gr. 9s May 20 - Victoria Day - no Zoom
May Final Social Studies Zoom - Mon. May 27
We’ll also have several group tutorials in June to prepare for the PAT. Date/time coming soon!

See Hapara for more details.

Also, please put these dates on your calendar:


Monday, May 13  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part A   9 am 

Wednesday, June 12  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part B 9 am

Thursday, June 13   Grade 9 Mathematics Part A 9 am

Monday, June 17 Grade 6 Science 9 am

Monday, June 17 Grade 9 Science 9 am

Tuesday, June 18 Grade 9 Mathematics Part B 9 am

Wednesday, June 19  Grade 6 Social Studies 9 am

Wednesday, June 19 Grade 9 Social Studies 9 am


Check out this amazing Stigma-Free Website and Resources for Parents:



APRIL 2024


April 1-7: Easter/Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

April 8: School Resumes

April 19: Deadline to Register for PEP/SRP Field Trip - Hutterite Colony Tour

April 22:   Last 1-6 Celebration of Learning for the year  

Gr 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - (No Tutorials with Annette); 

April 23:   Gr 4-6 Cardston Celebration of Learning

April 25:   Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - No Gr. 1-3 Raymond Tutorials 

Cardston Gr. 1-3 Tutorials with Mrs. Ryder continue

April 26: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Hutterite Colony Tour  Raymond & Cardston busses leave at 9:00 AM

May 3: “All School Event” - Talent Show at Magrath HighSchool Auditorium from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

May 9: PEP Science Days Cardston & Raymond (in Magrath) “Earth Science & Living Systems”  There will be no bussesing available. 10:00 AM start  No tutorials with Annette 

May 13: PAT Grade 9 ELA Part A

May 17: PD Day ~ No School

May 19: Victoria Day ~ No School

May 24: Deadline to Register for Heritage Park Field Trip

May 27-30: “See & Do” Maker Faire

May 31: Field Trip Heritage Park


Monday, May 13  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part A    

Wednesday, June 12  Grade 9 English Language Arts Part B

Thursday, June 13   Grade 9 Mathematics Part A

Monday, June 17 Grade 6 Science

Monday, June 17 Grade 9 Science

Tuesday, June 18 Grade 9 Mathematics Part B

Wednesday, June 19  Grade 6 Social Studies

Wednesday, June 19 Grade 9 Social Studies

*Grade 6 English language arts and literature and math provincial achievement tests will not be administered in the 2023/2024 school year. Westwind schools will engage in field testing between April and June 2024. These field tests will help inform the development of future PATs for Grade 6 English language arts and literature and mathematics that align with new curriculum in these subjects. 


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Happy Easter Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to share your incredible home learning programs with me during Celebration of Learning. April will be the last Celebration of Learning for the Year. We are on the home stretch. Please reach out if you have any questions on reading levels/writing strategies/number sense strategies or anything you need from me.

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: Vowel combinations a-e as in make, e-e as in these, i-e as in time, o-e as in home, u-e as in useReading Strategies: Reading is a thinking process. Be sure to make predictions and ask lots of questions during reading.Writing: Talk about and create simple paragraph stories with a beginning, middle and end.

Grade 1 Math - Instant recall with add/sub facts to 20, numberline to 20, add/sub numbers to 100.

Grade 2 Language - Phonics: Continue learning and using long u pairs (ou, oi, oy) Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies:  Talk about the information that you are reading. Is it fact or opinion about it? Writing: Students will choose their favorite wild animal and write an informational paragraph about it.

Grade 2 Math -  Instant recall with add/sub facts to 20, numberline to 20, add/sub numbers to 1000. Starting at random numbers, counting forward and backward to 1000.

Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations (refer to vowel charts). Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the 300 most common word list per week Writing: Students will choose their favorite wild animal and write an informational paragraph about it.

Grade 3 Math - 3 digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division up to 9 x 9, mental math strategies, comparing fractions.

Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Hello Families. I hope everyone had a restful Easter break. I cannot believe we are in April already! 

April is poetry month, therefore in LA, we are working on poetry! We will be creating a poetry collection and I would like students to submit three different types of poems that they are writing in their at-home programs. The poems can be in any style. Limerick, Acrostic, Free Verse, Haiku, Concrete, etc. I would like these poems to be submitted no later than April 24.

In math, we just started the fraction unit. Students are working on naming fractions and comparing fractions. We will also start reviewing adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division through math centers. 

Option classes end the week of May 7&8. 

Thank you for your continued support. I greatly appreciate working with you all of this year. 

Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

April Math topic is Geometry, see April challenge video here: ab_channel=WestwindAlternate

Grade 7 - Geometry - Cartesian plane and transformations.

  • Perform geometric constructions (7SS3)
  • Identify and plot point in the 4 quadrants of the Cartesian plane (7SS4)
  • transformations of a 2D shape in all quadrants of a Cartesian plane (7SS5)

Grade 8 - Geometry - Plan views and congruence.

  • Draw and interpret top, front, and side views of 3D objects (8SS5)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the congruence of polygons (8SS6)

Grade 9 - Circle Geometry -  Circle properties. 

  • Solve problems and justify the solution using the following circle properties… ((SS1)

Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9
How can it be April already? Wow!

Our nonfiction unit continues with the study of persuasive writing and speaking, a type of language artistry that we encounter every day in the news, in advertising, in religion, sports, entertainment, and home life. It is crucially important to our day-to-day lives and decisions that we recognize the use of language to sway our thinking and choices.

April 8 - 16: Logical fallacies study and noticing + paragraph assignment and t-shirt design
April 16 - 23: Structuring a sound argument/persuasive message while avoiding logical fallacies
April 23 - 30: Techniques of persuasion at play in movies/tv + movie review. (The Book Thief movie.)


  • Notetaking - What are you learning at home or other places? Strong advice: Keep a learning journal.
  • 10 finger touch typing: Goal for all Gr. 7 - 9 students is 30 wpm with 100% accuracy by the end of May
  • Cursive writing - Do you have a signature you feel confident using?
  • Daily reading and writing - This is a must. If you need help, please let me know!
  • Noticing persuasion and logical fallacies at work in everyday life and in one’s own thinking and speaking


Gr. 7: Our Zoom class is on April 29 at 9:30 am (Canada’s growth after Confederation)
Gr. 8: Our Zoom class is on April 29 at 10:30 am (Finishing Japan’s Isolation, moving into the Spanish and Aztec contact history and impact)
Gr. 9: Weekly Zoom classes take place weekly from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Schedule on Hapara)
These classes are required for PEP students.

THURSDAY TUTORIALS with MR. CREED and/or MRS. BURTON are a great way to review, catch-up on assignments, and deepen your learning. Please contact us to make a plan to attend!





MARCH 2024




March 1: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Coulee Climbing

March 4: 2024-2025 New & Returning Student Registrations Opens

March 6: School Council Meeting ZOOM 4:30

March 8: NO SCHOOL - Division PD Day

March 14: Science Days Cardston Campus “Computer Science” No tutorials with Annette

March 15: Science Days Raymond Campus “Computer Science” 

March 15: OCC Ski Trip Grade 7-9 & Grade 10-12

March 18: Gr 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - (No Tutorials with Annette);

March 18: Gr 4-6 Celebration of Learning Raymond Campus

March 19: Gr 4-6 Celebration of Learning Cardston Campus

March 21: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning  - Tutorials with Mrs. Ryder continue

March 29: Good Friday Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL

March 30-31: Good Friday/Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL

April 1-7: Easter/Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

April 8: School Resumes

April 9: Deadline to Register for PEP/SRP Field Trip - Hutterite Colony Tour

April 12: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Hutterite Colony Tour

April 18: Science Days Cardston Campus “Earth Science & Living Systems” 

No tutorials with Annette

April 19: Science Days Raymond Campus “Earth Science & Living Systems” 

April 22: Gr 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - (No Tutorials with Annette)

April 22: Gr 4-6 Celebration of Learning Raymond Campus

April 23: Gr 4-6  Celebration of Learning Cardston Campus

April 25: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with Mrs. Ryder continue


Celebration of Learning - for more information please see website


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Attendance: Class and tutorial attendance is recorded into powerschool (PS). Should you need to cancel, please email me. I will mark your child  in PS as excused. Thank you.

Tutorials: Thursday Raymond tutorials will be with Annette. There will be no tutorials in Raymond during celebration of learning or science weeks. If you must cancel a tutorial, please email me right away so that I can use that spot for someone on the waiting list. Cardston campus will continue to run tutorials as scheduled. 

Daily Reading Habits 

Daily Writing Habits

1st 300 sight words - students are working on reading and spelling the first 300 high frequency words from NEW Learn Alberta. PDF lists have been emailed to parents. Please reach out if you need another copy. 

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: Students should know most of the names and sounds of upper and lower case letters. Continue blending the sounds to make words, breaking the words into separate sounds and be sure to play rhyming games with new words. Students will continue learning sounds and letter combinations of short and long vowels. Reading Strategies: reading comprehension strategies include “think aloud”, what do you notice, what do you wonder about what happened in the story? Writing: Continue mastery of printing uppercase and lowercase letters and creating basic sentences..

Grade 1 Math - Orally count to 100, recognize numbers to 100, count by 5s and 10s to 100, add two numbers to 20 and know their related facts, determine a missing quantity in a sum or difference to 20. Ex 12 - 6 = 12.

Grade 2 Language - Phonics: Continue learning and using long u pairs (u, u_e, ui, ue, oo, ew, ou), y as long vowel, r-controlled vowels (ex or, ar, ur) Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies: predicting, using comprehension strategies such as BHH (what is in the book, what do I think about it, how do I feel about it?) Writing: sequence stories.

Grade 2 Math -  double digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, names and values of money, counting sets of money, skip count to 1000 starting at a random number and counting to 1000.
Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations (refer to vowel charts). Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the 300 most common word list per week Reading Strategies: apply reading accuracy strategies to deepen comprehension Writing: opinion writing

Grade 3 Math - 3 digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division up to 9 x 9, mental math strategies, comparing fractions.


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Hello Families

Welcome to a new month! 

*Item of Note: Celebration of Learning will be Monday, March 18 in Raymond and Tuesday morning, March 19 in Cardston. I am changing the format so it will be very similar to grades 1-3. I will be sending out a schedule by the end of this week. This will also count as the monthly parent meeting.  

During this time, families will have the opportunity to share with me the exciting things they are learning at home. During the 20-minute conference, the child is the main facilitator. They will choose 3 artifacts (one language arts, one math, one social studies or science) to highlight and explain why the learning arising from that activity was meaningful to them. Any remaining time in the 20-minute slot can be spent on additional highlights from chosen curriculum, family field trips, vacations, and hobbies. Some parents and students find it helpful to set the presentation up in Google Slides, keynote, or SeeSaw. It’s entirely up to each family how they would like to present their learnings. 

ELAL: In LA, we are working on short story writing. We are spending time on short story structure, using some mentor texts as a guide. Students will be writing a fracture fairy tale, and we will be practising some reading comprehension as well. 

Math: We will be working on Multiplication and division. This unit will be wrapped up in a couple of weeks, then we will be moving on to fractions.  

Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 


Topics for March:  

Unit 7:

Grade 7

Data Analysis 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of central tendency and range (7SP1)
  • Determine the effect on the mean, median, and mode (7SP2)
  • Construct, label, and interpret circle graphs to solve problems (7SP3)
  • Express probabilities as ratios, fractions, and percents. (7SP 4)
  • Identify sample space for a probability  experiment involving two independent events (7SP5)
  • Construct an experiment to compare the theoretical probability and the experimental probability. (7SP6)

Unit 7:

Grade 8

Data Analysis & Probability

  • Critique ways in which data is presented in circle graphs, line graphs, bar graphs, and pictographs.(8SP1)
  • Solve problems involving probability of independent events. (8SP2)

Unit 7:

Grade 9

Similarity & Transformations

  • Determine the surface area of composite 3D objects to solve problems (9SS2)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the similarity of polygons (9SS3)
  • Draw and interpret scale diagrams of 2D shapes (9SS4)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of line and rotation symmetry (9SS5)

Good job everyone on the science fair projects, WOW!  They were very awesome! 

 Lots of great ideas and hard work put into everything.

March Science topic is:  Computer science  - Click here for the science website.


March 14 - Cardston science day

March 15 - Raymond science day


Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 

Your children are some of the finest people we know. We are a diverse group in junior high and everyone seems to be facing something hard in life but we witness genuinely mature, kind, intelligent, responsible actions every week. Thank you for allowing us to be part of these young people’s educations!

Gr. 7. 8. and 9 English Language Arts
Our “March Madness” is nonfiction essay writing—with a great big twist. To gain confidence, we’re going to write essays as groups of students—each with an adult helper—all on the topic of AI (artificial intelligence) in Education. (Although I have had serious misgivings, AI is here and making impacts that will probably change the world the way the internet did.) Then, we’ll be prompting Chat GPT 3.5 to do the same and we’ll compare. Parents, please keep a conversation going about what your students are experiencing. We are trying to give a very careful, critical look at AI, discover its pros and cons, and emphasize the pros.

Social Studies 7 and 8
At English class on Tuesday/Wednesday of the first week of March, I’ll be sending your student home with a packet intended to cover the rest of the semester. Please look it over with them! Most of this material will also be available on Hapara for downloading  (in case it gets misplaced). Students, please come to Zoom class with the materials for that class prepared. This is called a “flipped classroom,” and should work better with monthly classes. I’ll be sending a message about Social Studies by email on Monday.

Social Studies 9                                                                                             Staring Monday, March 4, Gr. 9 Social Studies will be held weekly at 11:30 am - 12:30 pm by Zoom. I will also have a packet available for Gr. 9 during English class. We’re beginning to prepare in earnest for the PAT on June 19. It seems far away now, but it’s coming fast!




*SCIENCE FAIR  Reflections- A special thank you to all the participants and Businesses that generously donated the prizes for this event.  Please check out our video showing this beautiful learning experience:

** Options/Culture Craze Reflections- A special thank you to all the 1-6 Parents, and even grandparents, who prepared & presented on various countries / cultures to our students.



February 2: OCC Ski Trip Grade 7-9 & Grade 10-12

February 9: OCC Ski Trip Grade 7-9 & Grade 10-12

February 12: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

February 14: Valentine’s Day

February 15: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning (Afternoon Only) - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 15: All Grades 1-9 PEP/SRP/600 Science Fair - Cardston Tanner Center- (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 16: All Grades 1-9 PEP/SRP/600 Science Fair - Raymond Senior Center - No Tutorials

February 16: Deadline To Register for PEP/SRP Field Trip -Coulee Climbing

February 19-23: Family Week - NO SCHOOL

March 1: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Coulee Climbing

March 6: School Council Meeting ZOOM

March 8: NO SCHOOL

March 14: Science Days Cardston Campus “Computer Science” - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

March 15: Science Days Raymond Campus “Computer Science” - No Tutorials

March 15: OCC Ski Trip Grade 7-9 & Grade 10-12

March 18: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

March 21: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

March 29: Good Friday Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL

March 30-31: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

April 1-7: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you for a successful celebration of learning event this past week. It was so fun to watch the students share the highlights of their home learning with me. I’ve hyperlinked the Allington 6 once again to highlight the importance of reading and writing each day. 

Below is what we expect to cover during the three classes in February. Please continue to reinforce these concepts at home and reach out if you have any questions. Valentine Exchange: Should you wish to have your child hand out Valentines, I will email a list of first names to families. The exchange will occur Feb. 13 (Cardston) and Feb. 14 (Raymond).

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: Students should know most of the names and sounds of upper and lower case letters. Continue blending the sounds to make words, breaking the words into separate sounds and be sure to play rhyming games with new words. Students will continue learning sounds and letter combinations of short and long vowels. Reading Strategies: reading comprehension strategies include “think aloud”, what do you notice, what do you wonder? Writing: Continue mastery of printing uppercase and lowercase letters and sentence building.

Grade 1 Math - Orally count to 100, recognize numbers to 100, count by 5s and 10s to 100, add two numbers to 20 and know their related facts, determine a missing quantity in a sum or difference to 20. Ex 12 - 6 = 12.

Grade 2 Language - Phonics: Continue learning and using long u pairs (u, u_e, ui, ue, oo, ew, ou), y as long vowel, r-controlled vowels (ex or, ar, ur) Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies: predicting, using comprehension strategies such as BHH (what is in the book, what do I think about it, how do I feel about it?) Writing: sequence stories.

Grade 2 Math -  double digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, names and values of money, counting sets of money, skip count to 1000 starting at a random number and counting to 1000.
Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations (refer to vowel charts). Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the 300 most common word list per week Reading Strategies: apply reading accuracy strategies to deepen comprehension Writing: opinion writing

Grade 3 Math - 3 digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division up to 9 x 9, mental math strategies, comparing fractions.

Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Hello families. January just flew by! Please remember to share with me things that you have been doing at home in LA, Math. Thank you to everyone that has already done this. I greatly appreciate it!

ELA: We have wrapped up non-fiction reading and writing, and we are now working on narrative writing. We are starting to practice writing using the hamburger analogy to teach the structure of a paragraph. Students will be writing a paragraph each week, so there maybe some homework assigned if they do not complete this in class. Each grade level is given a different writing prompt. Please keep reading and writing at home as this will strengthen their skills. 

In math, we are still working on multiplication. I am finding that this year's students are strong in math. Currently, students are working on the steps for double-digit multiplication. Please keep reviewing with them the math facts up to 12. In about 2 more weeks, we will be working on division facts. 

Item of Note: Celebration of learning will not be held in February. I am changing the format so it will be very similar to grades 1-3. The new format will start in March. 

Dates & New Format: Grades 1-6 End of the month Monday (Raymond) and Thursday (Cardston) 

Students and parents will meet at the end of each month (schedule is emailed to parents) for a student led celebration of learning.  A student led conference is an opportunity for students to share with their teachers the exciting things they are learning at home. During the 20 minute conference, the child is the main facilitator. They will choose 3 artifacts (one language, one math, one social studies or science) to highlight and explain why the learning arising from that activity was meaningful to them. Any remaining time in the 20 minute slot can be spent on additional highlights from chosen curriculum, family field trips, vacations, and hobbies. Some parents and students find it helpful to set the presentation up in Google Slides or keynote, or SeeSaw. It’s entirely up to each family how they would like to present their learnings. 

I will be working on a schedule and will email that to everyone once it is finalized. Thank you in advance for your patience.

The answer to last's month's riddle is telephone. 

Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

MATH- Topics for February:  

Grade 7 •  Equations

  • Demonstrate an understanding of preservation of equality 
  • Explain the difference between an expression and an equation
  • Evaluate an expression given the value of a variable 
  • Model and solve to 2 step linear equations

Grade 8 •  Linear Equations & Graphing

  • Graph and analyze 2 variable linear relations
  • Model and solve problems using linear equations

Grade 8 • Linear Equations & Inequalities

  • Model and solve problems using linear equations
  • Explain and illustrate strategies to solve single variable linear inequalities

Hapara- new assignments will be on Hapara

SCIENCE- I hope your science projects are going well. You should have a question and a Hypothesis.  Now design a test that will prove or disprove the Hypothesis.  

Tips for the experiment phase:

  1. Identify Your Variables: Identify the independent variable (the factor you are testing) and the dependent variable (the factor that changes in response to the independent variable). Make sure you only change one variable at a time, and keep all other factors consistent.
  2. Control Your Variables: Use a control group in your experiment, which is a group that does not receive the experimental treatment. This allows you to compare the results of the experimental group to the results of the control group to determine if the experimental treatment had an effect.
  3. Measure Accurately: Use precise measuring tools to collect data and make sure your measurements are consistent throughout your experiment.
  4. Repeat Your Experiment: Conduct multiple trials of your experiment to minimize the effects of random variation and increase the reliability of your results.

See you at the Science fair   February 15 (C) & 16 (R).

Helpful links: 

Science website 

Science overview 

& Check the Science Hapara.


Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 

Congratulations, everyone, for completing your first semester!

I am grateful to be learning alongside you, in partnership with your adults at home.

English ELA: We are moving into our nonfiction unit. Topics we will cover include: bias/slant/purpose/persuasion in writing, speaking, and representing; integrity in communications; and examining media for evidence of these things. During February, especially, please pay special attention to news and commentary on current events. Our Jan. 30 field trip to the Galt Museum will help us start with a strong, in-person experience with discerning what is true.

The first assignment for all grades will be a personal narrative. (We are focusing on writing essays throughout February and March.) This should be a true account of a real experience that happened to you (or is happening.) It doesn’t have to be something you prefer to keep private, but it does need to be something you have experienced yourself. Details are on Hapara.

Social Studies 7: The French and English in Canada, the War of 1812 plus the Great Migration and events leading up to Confederation. (Project options are on the course outline in Hapara.)
Social Studies 8: Japan’s policy of sakoku (isolation). What effects did it have? Assignment: Samurai code project.

Social Studies 9: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - read and annotate.
Next Social Studies essential Zoom class: February 26, 2024
Zoom link is the same as always, but also on Hapara.

Note: Humanities class (our Semester 1 option) is over. The end-of-semester projects are varied and terrific! Please stop by either campus to have a look. (They’ll be up by the first class period in Feb.) Our Novel Study One-Pagers will also be up! They are fascinating.


SCIENCE FAIR COMING UP -- February 15 & 16 2023!  Have you been thinking about what project you would like to do?  Make sure you check out the science website and our library resources! Sign up and get approval for your project at: 


Celebration of Learning



January 8: Regular Classes Resume

January 9: Registration Deadline for STEM Field Trip

January 10: Grades 1-6 PEP/SRP Raymond Campus Classes @ Raymond Senior Center

January 11: Grades 7-9 PEP/SRP Tutorials By ZOOM only

January 12: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Lethbridge College STEM

January 15: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

January 15: Registration Deadline for Science Fair

January 18: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

January 23: Grades 7-9 PEP/SRP Raymond Campus Classes @ Raymond Senior Center

January 24: Grades 1-6 PEP/SRP Raymond Campus Classes @ Raymond Senior Center

January 24: Registration Deadline for Galt Museum Field Trip

January 25: Grades 7-9 PEP/SRP Tutorials By ZOOM only

January 26: Ski Trip Includes Grade 7-9 PEP/SRP/600 WAS Students

January 30: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Galt Museum

January 31: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

February 1: First Day of Second Semester

February 2: Ski Trip Includes Grade 7-9 PEP/SRP/600 WAS Students

February 12: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

February 15: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning (Afternoon Only) - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 15: PEP/SRP Science Fair - Cardston Campus - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 16: PEP/SRP Science Fair - Raymond Campus - No Tutorials

February 19-23: Family Week - NO SCHOOL

March 1: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Coulee Climbing

March 8: NO SCHOOL

March 14: Science Days Cardston Campus “ Computer Science” - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

March 15: Science Days Raymond Campus “Computer Science” - No Tutorials

March 18: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

March 21: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

March 29: Good Friday Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL

March 30-31: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

April 1-7: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: Double vowels, sight word lists: Reading Strategies: Use picture cues, word attack strategies Writing: complete sentence, spaces, capitilization, Cardston/Raymond Campus pen pals  

Grade 1 Math - Count to 100, recognize number to 100, count by 10s, to 100, count by 5s to 100, add two numbers 0-10 and related subtraction facts

Grade 2 Language Phonics: ways to make long o (ow, oa, oe, ways to make long u (ew, oo, u, ui) ) Sight Words: Continue working on the word lists. Comprehension: making self and real world connections to what you are reading, reading discussions (B - Book: what is the book about? H - Head: what do you think about it? H - Heart: How do you feel about it, does this remind you of something in your own life?

Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: Cardston/Raymond Campus pen pals 

Grade 2 Math +/-  double digit without grouping, story problems, count forward backwards 2s, 5s, 10s, 25s to 100 (use 100 grids, number lines, counting collections)
Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations. Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: Cardston/Raymond Campus pen pals 

Grade 3 Math - 3 digit addition and subtraction using everyday examples, multiplicand and division within 25

Jan. 23, 24 Social Studies - Moving Forward with the past (analyze how their families and communities in the present are influenced by events or people of the past by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry: How have changes over time affected their families and communities in the present? In what ways have Aboriginal, Francophone and diverse cultural groups contributed to the origins and evolution of their communities over time? What connections do we have to the Aboriginal, Francophone and diverse cultures found in our communities?                                                                                                                                                    Science - Building Things (Construct objects and models of objects, using a variety of different materials). 

Growth mindset videos. These are great to help kids understand that much of one’s success comes from how much experience (practice) you have with that topic.                                                                                                                                             Lesson One:                                                                                                                                                   Lesson Two:


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Welcome back to a brand-new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break.


In ELAL, we are continuing on with the non-fiction unit. Students are working on their charity research project. The purpose of this project is to inform students not only about various charities and what they do but for them to realize that regardless of one's age or ability that anyone can make a difference in the world. This project will need to be completed by January 25, 2024. We then will be working on short story and narrative  writing. 

In Math, We are continuing to work on multiplication and division. Here are the outcomes we will be working on in math. 

Grade 4 will be working on multiplying and dividing up to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Grade 5 will be working on multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers and dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

Grade 6 will be working on division and prime numbers. This is a brand-new unit for them. 

Please be practicing the timetables up to 12. This will benefit all the students as they move into division and prime numbers. 

Riddle of the Month: What has many rings but no fingers? Answer in next month's newsletter. 

  Answer to last month's riddle is ‘envelope’


Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

Math topics for January-

Grade 7 -  Operations with Fractions

  • Demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators (7N5)

Exam Bank Unit 5: Operations with Fractions 

Grade 8 -  Ratio, Rate, & Percent

  • Demonstrate an understanding of percents greater than or equal to 0% and 100%. (8N3)
  • Solve problems that involve rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning. (8N4)

Exam Bank Unit 5: Percent, Ratio and Rate

Grade 9 Unit 5:  Polynomials 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of polynomials. (9PR5)
  • Model, record, and explain the operations of addition and subtraction of polynomials (9PR6)
  • Model and explain the operations of multiplication and division of polynomial expressions (9PR7)

Exam Bank Unit 5: Polynomials 

Hapara- finish assignments on Hapara

SCIENCE- Prepare for science fair.  February 15 (in Cardston) & 16 (in Raymond). 

Check out the new science hapara & the Science website for resources:


Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 

John and I have just sent the motherlode of all updates to you. Please check your emails!

English and Humanities (Gr. 7 - 9):

The two very important and very interesting assignments we will complete in January are: 1) reading, annotating, and representing (with a one-pager or optional project) a quality novel and 2j) a project of your student’s choice to represent what he/she has learned in Humanities this semester. 

At home, your student(s) will also be working their way through an “English Boot Camp” booklet I’ve created to help strengthen their practical English skills before we head into research, reports, essays, and debate in Semester 2…and hopefully a little theatre, drama, and acting.

As you can see, attending class this month is especially important!

Note: In the email we sent out, there is a note about Monday Zooms. Please read that and add the temporary changes to your calendar. As a group, we’ll be doing lots of sharing and enjoying, both by Zoom and in class. We need the Zooms to allow time for each student.

Social Studies 7 - 9
Before our essential Social Studies Zoom class on Monday, January 29, I will be doing two things with your students -- sharing a fun review packet with them and having a one-on-one lesson to identify and fill gaps. (I’ll schedule these shortly, either in person or by Zoom.)


SCIENCE FAIR COMING UP -- February 15 & 16 2023!  Have you been thinking about what project you would like to do?  Make sure you check out the science website and our library resources! Sign up and get approval for your project at: 





December 1: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

December 6: Deadline to Register for the Art Show

December 8: Deadline to Sign Up for WAS Family Christmas Party & Family Dance

December 8: “All School Event” Museum of Student Art - Raymond Senior Centre (Art Show)

December 15: “All School Event” Christmas Party - Family Dance & Carnival (Evening Event)- Magrath High School Auditorium

December 22: Last Day of Classes/Tutorials

December 23-31: Christmas Holidays

January 1-7: Christmas Holidays

January 8: Regular Classes Resume

January 12: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Lethbridge College STEM

January 15: Deadline to Sign Up for Science Fair

January 15: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

January 18: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

January 30: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Galt Museum

January 31: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

February 12: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

February 15: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning (Afternoon Only) - (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 15: PEP/SRP Science Fair - Cardston Campus -Open to all Students in Grades 1-9 PEP, SRP & 600 Programs (Tutorials with EAs continue only at Raymond Campus)

February 16: PEP/SRP Science Fair - Raymond Campus-Open to all Students in Grades 1-9 PEP, SRP & 600 Programs 

February 19-23: Family Week - NO SCHOOL


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you to all for attending our second Celebration of Learning (COL). I am in awe of all the amazing things families do in their at home learning programs. Thank you for sharing this with me. As a reminder, there will not be a COL in December.

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting sounds, rhyming the words. Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week Reading Strategies: reading comprehension strategies Writing: review printing letters (lower case and upper case), printing labels for basic items.

Grade 1 Math - Count to 20, recognize numbers to 20, count by 2s to 20, describe a number that is 1 & 2 more and less, use of equal sign, visualization of number quantity to 5, making 15 

Grade 2 Language Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long ‘e’ vowel pairs (ea, ee, ie, ey), and long ‘i’ (ie, i, igh, y) vowel pairs, generate words with long ‘e’ and ‘i’ vowel pairs (each, speech, thief, key) (pie, find, sigh, fly) Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: personal narratives

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit addition within 20, number lines to 1000, divide a
whole into parts, comparing fractions, fractions on  a number line, review even/odd, review printing number words to twenty, review forward/backward skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 100
Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations. Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: personal narratives, identifying and using adverbs, pronouns and adjectives

Grade 3 Math - skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s forward/backward to 1000, addition and subtraction strategies, visualization of groupings that prepares for multiplication, adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers 

Dec. 19, 20 Alberta Literacy/Numeracy Screens and Christmas Activities


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

Our Celebration of Learning Event was another great success! Thank you, parents, for helping your child prepare for this. I love seeing all the wonderful things you are doing in your home. Students are very excited to share. They ask very thoughtful questions and give positive feedback to their peers, which is great to see. There will be no Celebration of Learning in December, but will continue in January, the week of the 23/24. 


In L.A. we just start our non-fiction unit. Students will be researching a charity. In preparation for this, we will be a learning about kids as heroes. Two of these figures are Malala Yousafzai and Alexandra Scott. These two individuals have made a huge impact on people's lives through their charity work. Their stories are heartbreaking, but will be handled in a positive, caring way. If you wish, you can discuss these two individuals and the positive impact they have had on people's lives. Here are the links to the websites that students will be viewing in class: 

Malala Yousafzai

Alexandra Scott     


In math, we have finished the addition and subtraction unit and have moved onto multiplying and dividing. The students need to learn their multiplication facts up to 12. Here are the outcomes we will be working on in math. 


Grade 4 will be working on multiplying and dividing up to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Grade 5 will be working on multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers and dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

Grade 6 will be working on multiplying and dividing 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. 


Riddle of the month: What word begins with E and ends with E, but only contains one letter?  

Answer in next month’s newsletter.  

Math Challenge: Write down as many equations as you can that make 45. You can multiply, divide, add or subtract in any combination as you like. Example 43+2= 45 or (10x5)-5=45. Have fun!


Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

MATH- Topics for December:  


Grade 7 

Circles and Area

  • Demonstrate an understanding of circles (7SS1)
  • Develop and apply a formula for determining the area of triangles, parallelograms, and circles (7SS2)


Grade 8

Measuring Prisms and Cylinders

  • Draw and construct nets for 3D objects (8SS2)
  • Surface area (8SS3)
  • Develop and apply a formula for determining the volume of right rectangular prisms, right triangular prisms, and cylinders (8SS4)


Grade 9

Linear Relations

  • Generalize a pattern arising from a problem solving context, using a linear equation and verifying by substitution (9PR1)
  • Graph a linear relation, analyze a graph, and interpolate or extrapolate to solve problems (9PR2)


Hapara- new assignments on Hapara

SCIENCE- No Science Days in December/January.  Students should be preparing for science fair project to be held on February 15 & 16. Open to all Students in Grades 1-9 PEP, SRP & 600 Programs

Check the Science website for resources:


Here's the science overview for reference. 

NEW science hapara: 

Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 

I feel so grateful for each student in our junior high program. Thank you for being you. We’ve had a lot of fun and good learning this year so far. I’ll be away due to an eye injury from Dec. 4 - Dec. 7, as well as Dec. 11. Mrs. Esther Leighton will be your teacher. She is awesome. Don’t hesitate to set up a Zoom or in-person tutorial with her  or to email me. I am extending the deadline for short stories to Dec. 15 for final submissions. (I’m supposed to limit how much I use that eye.) If you are finished your short story, please focus on your at-home English program.

This is what December and the beginning of January will look like for Gr. 7 - 9:
Week of Dec. 4: Finish and “polish” (edit, improve) your short stories. Option to share your story in class.
Week of Dec. 11: Learn about lenses for looking at literature. Choose your novel study that you’ll read over the Christmas break. (I have a selection of about 25 options that I’ll bring to class on Dec. 12/13.) Short story sharing in class, continued.
Week of Dec. 18: Humanitarian story +  traditions + party. (If you haven’t selected a novel to read over Christmas, this is your last chance.) Come prepared to share a winter or December or holiday tradition from your family/culture with us, or one you would like to start in your own life.

Week of January 8: One-pager about your novel is due, and we’ll talk about your experience with the novel you chose.

For all of December, our theme will be “December Around the World.” We will be learning about other cultures and other December holidays. With Mrs. Leighton Dec.5/6, you’ll also be learning how to make a type of decoration we’ll use at our school Christmas party on Dec. 15 in Magrath.


Social Studies, All Grades:

Please check Hapara for new resources and an updated schedule for the year. Our essential Social Studies class will take place on Monday, December 18 by Zoom. I’ll send an email reminder about this shortly.



SCIENCE FAIR COMING UP -- February 15 & 16 2023!  Have you been thinking about what project you would like to do?  Make sure you check out the science website and our library resources! Sign up and get approval for your project at: 





November 9: PEP/SRP Field Trip Grades 5-9 - Yates Theatre, Lethbridge “The Secret Garden” 7:00 pm Performance

November 10: Wellness Day - NO SCHOOL

November 13: Remembrance Day Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL

November 16: Science Days Cardston Campus “ENERGY” - No Tutorials

November 17: Science Days Raymond Campus “ENERGY” - No Tutorials

November 20: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

November 23: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

November 27: PEP/SRP Extravaganza Days - No Regular Classes This Week

November 28: PEP/SRP Field Trip - Max Bell Theatre, Calgary “ A Christmas Carol” (All Grades)

November 29: PEP/SRP Extravaganza Days - No Regular Classes This Week

November 30: PEP/SRP Extravaganza Days - No Regular Classes This Week

December 1: PD Day - NO SCHOOL

December 8: All School Art Show Raymond Senior Centre

December 15: All School Christmas Family Dance & Events! Magrath High School

December 22: Last Day of Classes

December 23-31: Christmas Holidays

January 1-7: Christmas Holidays

January 8: Regular Classes Resume

January 15: Gr. 1-3 Raymond Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue

January 18: Gr. 1-3 Cardston Celebration of Learning - Tutorials with EAs continue


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3


Thank you for a successful celebration of learning event this past week. It was so fun to watch the students share the highlights of their home learning with me. Below is what we expect to cover during the three classes in November. Please continue to reinforce these concepts at home and reach out if you have any questions.

Grade 1 Language - Phonics: continue learning all 26 letter sounds, blending the sounds to make words, taking words and segmenting sounds, rhyming the words. Sight Words: reading and spelling 6 words from the lists each week Reading Strategies: reading comprehension strategies Writing: review printing letters (lower case and upper case), printing labels for basic items.

Grade 1 Math - Count to 20, recognize numbers to 20, count by 2s to 20, describe a number that is 1 & 2 more and less, use of equal sign, visualization of number quantity to 5, making 15 

Grade 2 Language Phonics: Continue reading and spelling long ‘e’ vowel pairs (ea, ee, ie, ey), and long ‘i’ (ie, i, igh, y) vowel pairs, generate words with long ‘e’ and ‘i’ vowel pairs (each, speech, thief, key) (pie, find, sigh, fly) Sight Words: continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: personal narratives

Grade 2 Math +/- single digit addition within 20, number lines to 1000, divide a
whole into parts, comparing fractions, fractions on  a number line, review even/odd, review printing number words to twenty, review forward/backward skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 100
Grade 3 Language - Phonics: Review reading and spelling all long vowel combinations. Sight Words: we will continue working on reading and spelling 5-6 sight words from the lists per week, Reading Strategies (retelling, summarizing, and use of BHH) Writing: personal narratives, identifying and using adverbs, pronouns and adjectives.

Grade 3 Math - skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s forward/backward to 1000, addition and subtraction strategies, visualization of groupings that prepares for multiplication, adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers Monthly Classes Nov. 21, 22 


Gr. 1 Creating Color

Gr. 2 Magnetism

Gr. 3 Hearing and Sound

Social Studies 

Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History and My Community 

  • appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their families and communities to the present
  • recognize how their ancestors contribute to their sense of identity within their family and communities, acknowledge and respect similarities and differences within communities.


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6


We have a great start to the school year. In LA we are wrapping up descriptive writing and will be moving into non-fiction reading and writing. Students will be working on a mini research project starting in a couple of weeks. In Math, the grade 4 students are working on adding and subtracting large numbers. Grade 5 and 6 students are finishing adding and subtracting large numbers and will be moving into multiplication and division, next week. The celebration of learning was fantastic! The students did a great job sharing some of their work they have been doing at home. If you have not already done so, remember to share work that your child is doing at home. You can take photos and email them to me, make a list in a Google Doc, or use sites such as SeeSaw to create a digital portfolio. If you have any questions, please email me. 


Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 


Math Topics for November:  Rational numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.

Here’s the video intro to the month math topic:


Check Hapara for the new assignments

Science day topic for November is Energy which includes Electricity, movement, light and sound, Magnetism, Heat & Temperature. Click to see WAS Science Days.

Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 


ENGLISH 7, 8, 9: We’re diving deep into the world of short stories! We’ll read them…and write one of our own!

SOCIAL STUDIES: Please see Hapara for details and assignments for each grade. 


NOTE: We have a schedule change for the essential Social Studies class this month because we have a special guest presenter, Fred Curatolo, professional editorial cartoonist, on November 20 at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm by Zoom. (SRP and PEP all invited!) Mr. Curatolo’s presentation relates to English and Social Studies, Gr. 7, 8, and 9. Just for this month, our regular Social Studies classes will take place on Thursday, Nov. 23 at the usual times, usual place.


HUMANITIES: We’ll be sampling art styles all month!



TIME TRAVELER LEARNING EXTRAVAGANZA COMING UP -- November 27-30, 2023!  Join us in to experience Victorian England and the era of the Industrial Revolution in a wide variety of ways. You can find details here! (Important: Click on the link to RSVP and to choose your family’s topic for the “Sharing Fair” on Monday, Nov. 27, 2023.)




RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT - For All Families - 

DuoLingo: Mr. Creed has a DuoLingo class on this free online app and would love to learn to speak Spanish alongside students. [If they’re in the class, they get unlimited hearts! No waiting to keep moving forward!] Join here: 

Duolingo class

or enter code WZJKZK to join my class..

  >Need instructions on how to join? 




OCTOBER REFLECTIONS - The following links are short video summaries of our amazing bonus RCMP field trip and our incredible Science day for you to enjoy.


RCMP bonus field trip-


Oct. Science day (Matter)-



October 6: Non-Instructional Day - NO SCHOOL

October 9: Thanksgiving Day - NO SCHOOL

October 19: Cardston Science Days “MATTER” - No Tutorials

October 20: Raymond Science Days “MATTER” - No Tutorials

October 23: Raymond PEP/SRP 1-3 Celebration of Learning (face to face, zoom) - No Tutorials

October 24: Deadline to Register for Theatre Calgary Field Trip

October 26: Cardston PEP/SRP 1-3 Celebration of Learning (face to face, zoom) - No Tutorials

October 27: PEP/SRP Field Trip Cardston & Raymond RCMP Building Tours Grades 1-4 Students Only **NEW**

November 9: PEP/SRP Field Trip Yates Theatre "A Secret Garden " 7:00 PM Performance Grades 5-9 Students Only  **NEW**

November 10: Wellness Day - NO SCHOOL

November 13: Remembrance Day Stat - NO SCHOOL

November 16: Cardston Science Days “ENERGY” - No Tutorials

November 17: Raymond Science Days “ENERGY” - No Tutorials

November 27 -30: Learning Extravaganza Days - No Regular Classes

November 28: Field Trip - Theatre, Calgary “ A Christmas Carol” (All Grades)

December 1: PD Day - NO SCHOOL


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Based on the Alberta Program of Studies year plans sent out in August, here are our   October weekly PEP/SR objectives. These concepts and skills must also be taught at home. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Grade 1 Language: Phonics (letter sounds, blending sounds to make words), read and spell 6 words from the lists each week, comprehension strategies, concepts about print (read left to right), printing upper and lower case letters

Grade 1 Math: counting forward and backward numbers to 20, counting a set of objects under 20, name and print numbers 0-20, adding numbers to 10.

Grade 2 Language: Consonant digraphs (th, ch, sh, wh, ph) ways to make a long a (ai, ay), comprehension strategies, reading routines (BHH), writing with detail. Review complete sentence (noun, verb), adding detail to writing (adjectives, adverbs)

Grade 2 Math: add/subtract +/- single digit addition within 20, number lines to 100, place value to 100, number words, weeks, years, counting collections up to 100.

Grade 3 Language: Reading Instruction: examine and apply listening and speaking in a variety of formats and informal interactions (author's chair, talking circle), writing process - brainstorm, draft, revising, editing, sharing

Grade 3 Math: addition & subtraction within 1000, number lines to 1000, place value to 1000, mental math strategies

Oct. 31, Nov 1 

Social Studies: My World: home, school and community (examine how students belong and how they are connected to their world by exploring and reflecting upon: What different types of communities or groups do you belong to? What are your responsibilities and rights at home, at school, in groups and in communities?

Science: Seasonal Changes (Describe seasonal changes, and interpret the effects of seasonal changes on living things) 


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-6

In math, we are working on adding and subtracting double and triple digit numbers. We are also working on math terminology. Everyone has access to IXL, which is a great resource for extra practice in math and LA. 

For Language Arts, we are focusing on descriptive writing and personal response to stories that we have read in class. Next week, we will be focusing on using figurative language in writing. Please be encouraging your child to respond using full paragraphs when possible in your at home programs. Remember that the 3rd week of the month, we will spend some time on social studies. All my students have access to the Epic reading website. The website is When prompted, enter the class code iwx9576 and select your child's name. To get free access to this site, students can only go on during regular school hours. 

Celebration of learning will take place during regular classes. The dates are Cardston October 24 and Raymond October 25. I can’t wait to see what everyone is going to share with the class! 


Mr. Creed: Grades 7-9 

Grade 7 & 8 topic this month is integers  

Grade 9 topic is laws of Exponents 

Link to IXL skill plans:


The science topic for the month is Matter.  Check the science website:

Science Days  Thurs. Oct 19 -in Cardston  Fri. Oct 20 - Raymond


Mrs. Burton: Grades 7-9 

Social Studies - Oct. 16: group study by Zoom. On Oct. 23 will be our regular “essential” class to move forward in the year’s study. New topics and learning activities on Hapara! Zoom link is always the same for my classes, and I will resend it before each Zoom class.
Gr. 7: Please read and think about topics in Chapter 1 of your textbook and be ready to talk about Canada: The Story of Us, Episode 1. (Video)
Gr. 8: Please share your personal “Worldviews” poster with Mrs. Burton and be prepared to discuss (on Oct. 16) how our worldview affects society and how society affects our worldview. (Hint: look closely at current events!)

Gr. 9: Please be prepared to participate in a game show on Oct. 16 about the structure of Canada’s federal government. (Related assignments in Hapara should be done by Oct. 16.)

English, Gr. 7, 8, 9: We’re wrapping up poetry and song in the great conversation and moving into the world of fiction storytelling. In your at-home studies, please review and focus on poetry forms and poetic and literary devices or techniques. These will come up as we discuss creative story writing.

Humanities: We’ll be exploring non-English languages. See our schedule for details.


Look forward to the Learning Extravaganza Days events, November 27-30, 2023!  We’ll be time traveling to Victorian England and the era of the Industrial Revolution. Please check the website for upcoming details and so much to look forward to!


RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT - For All Families - Excellent current events study to complement your Social Studies learning: What in the World and Canadian Reader 

For September and October’s issues, click on the link below. No passwords required. 

What in the World/Canadian Reader


SEPTEMBER REFLECTIONS - What a great start to the new school year.  The following links are short video summaries of our amazing Bar U Ranch field trip and our incredible Science day for you to enjoy.

Bar U Ranch field trip-

Sept. Science day (Space)

JUNE 2023

JUNE 2023




June 9- Field Day (Raymond Victoria Sports Park)

Please complete this form **Field Fun Day Sign-Up by June 6 if you’re coming. 

Regular weekly classes are finished, but for those in grades 6&9 we will have a couple PAT prep sessions on our normal class days.

Tuesday, June 6 in Raymond, 9 am - 11:30 am -PAT Prep Party

Wednesday, June 7 in Cardston, 9 am - 11:30 am -PAT Prep Party
Thursday, June 8 by Zoom for Social Studies - 9 - 10:30 am - Gr. 6 and 9 - see below (Mrs. Burton)


Provincial Achievement Tests  Schedule

(All tests begin at 9:00 on the days designated. Please add these to your personal calendar.)

  • June 14 - Math Part A grades 6&9
  • June 15 - Math Part B grades 6&9
  • June 16 - Science grade 9
  • June 19 - Social Studies grades 6&9
  • June 20 - ELAL grade 9 only - Part B


June 15 - Last day for Tutorials PEP/SRP Classes (grades 1-5, 7-8)

Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Thank you for such a great year. Families have worked so hard and it shows. I really appreciate your commitment and dedication. Last day, I sent your children home with the phonics code and age appropriate sight word lists for the summer. Here are a few fun things you can do over the summer to keep skills topped off. 


  1. Visit your local library. Help your child find books that are high interest and not above your child’s reading level.
  2. Be sure your child reads at least 20 minutes per day. According to research if a child reads 20 minutes a day they are exposed to about 1.8 million words of text every year. 
  3. Set a good example and be sure your child sees you reading. When children see their parents enjoying a book, newspaper or magazine it sends the message that reading is important.
  4. Read to your child and with your child.
  5. Read for different reasons (recipes, game and assembly directions ect.).
  6. Play games with words (sight words printed on a beach ball, sight word hopscotch, jumprope spelling, sand printing, spelling with water/chalk on the sidewalk).


Please feel free to reach out if you would like to squeeze in a monthly meeting, clarification on anything curriculum wise or if you have questions about next year. Tutorials continue to run until June 15. We also have our year end Field Day in Raymond at Vic Park. I hope to see you all there. Have a wonderful summer!


Mrs. Kain: Gr. 4 - 5

I loved working with all you wonderful families! I am grateful for all the hard work and dedication everyone has devoted to WAS this year. For those of you that are returning to WAS next year, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about the program next year. I hope to see you at the Field Day this Friday in Raymond at Vic Park. Have a safe and wonderful summer!!  


Mr. Creed: Grades 6-9


Here we are in our final month. Wow!  Thanks for all the work you’ve done this year. 

We’ve really gone through a ton of material.  As we wrap things up, here’re a couple things to remember:

  1. Share with me the work that you’ve done at home this year. 
  2. Check Hapara to make sure you’re caught up on all the assignments.
  3. Complete the ClassCraft quests/ IXL quiz review stuff.

Grades 6&9 don’t forget about the Math PAT Part A&B  • June 14 & 15 


If you have textbooks signed-out remember to check those back in. 

Send me photos/ samples of any student work. Thanks. 

Checkout this playlist of our Science days from this year.

Remember you can still use the science website resource. ( QR code on WEBSITE)


Mrs. Burton: Grades 6-9


I have loved learning with you this year! Thank you for choosing Westwind Alternate!


Social Studies

Gr. 6 and 9 - Your final assignment is preparation for the PAT. Check your email and Hapara for details on how to review and prepare on your own and for review opportunities here at the school.

NOTE: Thursday, June 8 by Zoom, we’ll have our “Reach for the Top” competition between Gr. 6 and 9. The topics will be the government of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is a fun way to review! Link is in our Social Studies schedule. (We prepared for this last Thursday on our weekly Zoom call.)

Gr. 7 - The final project (Canadian history folder) can be done with me on Tuesday, June 6 from 1 till 2:30 pm (Raymond) or Wednesday, June 7 from 1 till 2:30 pm (Cardston). This project is the final.

Gr. 8 - Please take the Social Studies 8 whole course quiz on and submit your best score no later than June 15. This will serve as your final.

English Language Arts and Literature

I am working my way through your Pecha Kucha presentations and loving them! Thank you! All assignments are due by June 20. (Check Hapara for overdue assignments.)

I’ll be in touch with each student/parent before June 15 to provide feedback on this year’s learning. Thank you for your patience and for your commitment to education!


Don't forget to check-in with your teacher this month to share your home learning summaries. 




MAY 2023


MAY EXTRAVAGANZA DAYS- PEP and eligible SRP families and those registered for 2023 PEP are eligible to attend.  Please fill out the form to register your students. Those wanting t-shirts must order them by Friday May 5th. (Register & Order in Link Below!)



Please share your feedback in our 2-question survey:

Don't forget to check-in with your teacher this month to share your home learning summaries. 



May 1  “Highway to Happiness” Extravaganza Days “Healthy Habit Challenges” begin

(For more information please refer to Healthy Habits Flyer)

May 5 -  Lethbridge Airport Field Trip 

May 5-Deadline to Order T-Shirts for Extravaganza Days! 

May 15 - ELA 9 PAT - Part A

May 18 - June Field Trip Registration Deadline

May 19 - 22 - Campus Closed

May 23/24 - Last day of Regular PEP/SRP Classes (grades 1-5, 7-8)

May 29-31 - Highway to Happiness Extravaganza Days

May 29 - PEP/SRP Extravaganza Fun Run (Magrath Fish Pond)

May 30 - Raymond Highway to Happiness Extravaganza Days - Raymond Senior Center

(PEP Kids Healthy Bootcamp, PEP Mini Parent Retreat )

May 30 - Raymond Open House 6:00-8:00 PM

May 31 - Cardston Highway to Happiness Extravaganza Days - Cardston Senior Center

(PEP Kids Healthy Bootcamp, PEP Mini Parent Retreat)

May 31 - Cardston Open House 6:00-8:00 PM

Jun 2 - PEP/SRP Field Trip - Calgary Zoo

June 6&7 PAT Prep Review

June 9 - Fun Field Day - Raymond 

June 15 - Last day for Tutorials PEP/SRP Classes (grades 1-5, 7-8)


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Our last few sessions will be a review of the high frequency word list, letter and vowel combinations. Please reach out if you need a copy of these lists for home practice. Research supports reading and writing everyday. Responding to what is read or experienced is an easy way to get in daily writing activities.

Grade 1 Reading - review letter and vowel combinations, high frequency words - read 15 minutes per day

Grade 1 Writing - respond to something you’ve read or experienced. Be sure you have complete sentences. 

Grade 1 Math - forward and backward counting and skip counting to 100. Adding and subtracting to 100 (using blocks, pictures, numbers).

Grade 2 Reading - review double vowel combinations, high frequency words, and read 15-30 minutes per day

Grade 2 Writing - write a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, concluding sentence) on something you’ve read or experienced (science day learning, field trip experiences, family events).

Grade 2 Math - forward and backward counting to 1000. Skip counting forward and backwards. Adding and subtracting to 1000 (using blocks, pictures, numbers).


Grade 3 Reading - review double vowel combinations, high frequency words, read 15-30 minutes per day

Grade 3 Writing -  write a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, concluding sentence) on something you’ve read or experienced (science day learning, field trip experiences, family events). Feel free to use the edit check-lists once paragraph is complete.

Grade 3  Math - adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, multiplying and dividing up to 9 x 9, forward and backward skip counting (2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 25s), identifying fractions (paper folding, sharing pizza/cake, baking).


Mrs. Kain: Gr. 4 - 5

In LA, we are focusing on building strong foundational writing skills such as topic sentences, grammar, and punctuation through mentor texts. For math, we are focusing on comparing fractions and decimals, along with adding and subtracting decimals.   


Mr. Creed: Grades 6-9


We have officially finished all of the MATH topics. From here on out, we will be reviewing.  Each week we’re going to take a section of the curriculum and review by seeing how many math monsters we can defeat. Students will earn XP points based on how many math monsters they beat. 

Are you ready for the challenge?!

Also, be sure to check Hapara to make sure you’re caught up on all the assignments. 

Here’s my link to book an appointment on calendly: or just call and set something up. 


Thanks for attending all the fun Science days this year. They’ve been really fun, interactive, and we hope inspiring your family to continue the learning at home. Remember you can use the science website as a resource.  Soon it will contain the video summaries of each of our Science days. (So check back a few times.) 

Mrs. Burton: Grades 6-9

Jr. High English:

A key element of English Language Arts is daily practice in reading, writing, and strengthening skills like typing and cursive writing. We accomplish this through W.S.P.R.s (Weekly Study and Practice Record). EACH STUDENT NEEDS TO DO A MINIMUM OF 5 W.S.P.R.s per semester. These are naturally accomplished through the at-home L.A. portion of your PEP distance learning. 


ALSO IMPORTANT, ESPECIALLY FOR GR. 6 and 9*:If you don’t type 30 words per minute, please use our online program, It will help with writing, spelling, and online communication! Get your free account by clicking here: 


Social Studies, All Grades:

May will be wrap-up and review time, with final projects. PLEASE COME TO ZOOM CLASS. Schedule is here: ZOOM SCHEDULE


Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs): *Note: Exams will be written online using Quest A+ - PRACTICE TYPING, PLEASE!

  • May 15 - ELAL Gr. 9 - Part A
  • June 14 - Math Part A grades 6&9
  • June 15 - Math Part B grades 6&9
  • June 16 - Science grade 9
  • June 19 - Social Studies grades 6&9
  • June 20 - ELAL grade 9 only - Part B



APRIL 2023

APRIL 2023


Please share your feedback in our 2-question survey:

All of the details of our March Learning Extravaganza this week are here!

Don't forget to check-in with your teacher this month to share your home learning summaries. 



Mar. 27-30: Learning Extravaganza Days “Around the World in Eighty Ways” Cultural Fair - no regular classes 

April 4-5 - Regular Class Days

April 6 - Deadline for Survey and Field Trip forms

April 7-16 Easter Holidays

April 21 - Field Trip Telus Spark Science Center

April 25, 26 - Final Science Days for the Year

May 5 - Field Trip 

May 29-31 - Highway to Happiness Extravaganza Days

May 30 - Raymond Open House

May 31 - Cardston Open House


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Grade 1 Reading - For reading accuracy, continue working on learning consonant and vowel sounds, vowel pairs as well as mastering the first 100 sight word list. For comprehension, be sure to make predictions and ask questions before, during and after you read. Read 15 minutes per day.

Grade 1 Writing - create simple sentences and paragraphs (orally) about a topic.

Grade 1 Math - Instant recall - addition and subtraction facts to 20, mental math strategies (count on, count back, doubles)

Grade 2 Reading - Continue working on vowel/letter pairs and the first 300 words. Read 20-30 minutes per day. For comprehension, be sure to make predictions and ask questions before, during and after you read.

Grade 2 Writing - Use adjectives and adverbs to enhance writing. Check your work for capitals, periods, spelling.

Grade 2 Math - Missing Numbers (add and subtract)  25 + ? = 35  100 - ? = 50

2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction to1000

Instant recall - addition and subtraction facts to 20

Grade 3 Reading - Be sure you know all the letter and sound combinations. Continue mastery of the first 300 words. For comprehension, be sure to make predictions and ask questions before, during and after you read. Read at least 30 minutes per day.

Grade 3 Writing - When writing to present, consider how your audience can relate to your topic. Continue with the editing process. Be sure to swap out boring words with exciting ones.

Grade 3  Math - interpret place value within 10 000, multiplication and division up to 9 x 9, fractions, addition and subtraction with 3 digit numbers


Mrs. Kain: Gr. 4 - 5

For LA, we are continuing with the novel study “The One and Only Ivan”. We are focusing on character development. For math, we are focusing on fractions and decimals.


Mr. Creed: Grades 6-9


We’re finishing up graphs & probability this month.

Check the IXL question assignments on Hapara.

After this month we will be focusing on reviewing everything.

Book an appointment on calendly:


Don’t forget about the science center  field trip Apr. 21st

Science Days will be the last week in April and the topic is living systems.


Mrs. Burton: Grades 6-9

Jr. High English:

By April 4, let’s have all of our nonfiction research projects done (the “10 questions” assignment) and the persuasive writing study packet handed in. Then we can start on debate, a movie review, and drama fun!
Remember your W.S.P.R. (Weekly Study and Practice Record). Daily writing, reading, and L.A. goal work is the steady track to improved skills! (Monthly prize draw on April 4!)

If you don’t type 30 words per minute, please use our online program, It will help with writing, spelling, and online communication! Get your free account by clicking here: 


Social Studies, All Grades:

Come to the Extravaganza Days events, March 27 - 30. Details here.

Gr. 6 Iroquois Confederacy
Gr. 7 Canadian history timeline project - details will be shared on our Thurs. Zoom
Gr. 8 Review Japan; move on to Spanish and the Aztecs
Gr. 9 Taxes, types of economies, and US/Canada economic ties


Looking ahead to our PAT dates: *Note: Exams will be written online using Quest A+

  • May 15 - ELAL Gr. 9 - Part A
  • June 14 - Math Part A grades 6&9
  • June 15 - Math Part B grades 6&9
  • June 16 - Science grade 9
  • June 19 - Social Studies grades 6&9
  • June 20 - ELAL grade 9 only - Part B



MARCH 2023

MARCH 2023


Don't forget to check-in with your teacher this month to share your home learning summaries. 



** Feb. 28/Mar. 1: Science Days - NO REGULAR CLASSES

Mar. 3: Field Trip - Royal Tyrrell Museum

Mar. 7/8: Regular Class Days

Mar. 10-Divisional PD Day- No School

Mar. 14/15: Regular Class Days

Mar. 17: Campus Closed

Mar. 21/22: Science Days - NO REGULAR CLASSES

Mar. 27-30: Learning Extravaganza Days “Around the World in Eighty Ways” Cultural Fair - NO REGULAR CLASSES 


Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Grade 1 Reading - locate key words in text

Grade 1 Writing - Creating sentences that relay a 3 step procedure (This is how I make it) 

Grade 1 Math - addition and subtraction to 20 (concrete, pictorial, symbolic), mental math strategies - count on, count back, doubles, etc


Grade 2 Reading - Reading strategies: make predictions, ask questions

Grade 2 Writing - Enhance clarity of print and meaning, limit number of ideas in sentence

Grade 2 Math - counting money collections to $100.00, number to 100 (add, subtract)


Grade 3 Reading - Analyze text and make connections to personal life

Grade 3 Writing - Create text and make connections to personal life

Grade 3  Math - place value within 10 000, add/sub 3 digits, mult/div up to 9 x 9


Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-5

For LA, we are continuing with the novel study “The One and Only Ivan”. We are focusing on character development and setting. For math, we are focusing on fractions as well as division & multiplication facts.


Mr. Creed: Grades 6-9

Be sure to catch-up on the IXL question assignments on Hapara

Email me at:

Book an appointment on calendly:


Mrs. Burton: Grades 6-9

Jr. High English:

In the first two weeks of March we'll be wrapping up our nonfiction research projects. Since we don't meet in person for L.A. until March 7 & 8, I'm preparing instructional videos to help each grade level through each step of the process. These will be posted on Hapara in the Nonfiction workspaces.


Depending on how students apply themselves to this assignment, we plan to move into persuasive speaking, writing, and debate during the final two weeks of March. WAS Speakers' Bureau guests will include a Constitutional expert (Allan Burton) and Mr. Glen Motz, Member of Parliament for Taber-Warner.


Social Studies, All Grades:

From March 27-30, we have a world of fun coming our way! "Around the World in 80 Ways" is the theme for our Social Studies-based Learning Extravaganza Days. Details will be posted (as they are confirmed) on this Google website::


Important! In addition to other activities, each family gets to choose a country or culture of your choice, learn about it, and prepare to share what you've learned. Ideas galore for how to do this will be on the website starting Monday, February 20.

Looking ahead to our PAT dates: *Note: Exams will be written online using Quest A+

  • June 14 - Math Part A grades 6&9
  • June 15 - Math Part B grades 6&9
  • June 16 - Science grades 6&9
  • June 19 - Social Studies grades 6&9
  • June 20 - ELAL grade 9 only





Don't forget to check-in with your teacher this month to share your home learning summaries. 


Feb. 3: Field Trip - Galt Museum

Feb. 7/8: Regular Class Days

Feb. 14/15: Regular Class Days

Feb. 17: 6-9 Ski Day (if registered)

Feb. 17: March Field Trip Registration Deadline

Feb. 20-25: Campus Closed - No school

Feb 28-Mar 3: No Regular Classes This Week *NEW*

Feb. 28: Science Day-Raymond Campus *NEW*

Mar 1: Science Day-Cardston Campus *NEW*

Mar. 3: Field Trip - Royal Tyrrell Museum

Mrs. Bright: Grades 1-3

Grade 1 Numeracy: We are continuing to count by 1s, 5s and 10s to 100 forward and backward from any given number under 100. Using manipulatives, pictures and number symbols we are working on adding/subtracting up to 20.

Grade 1 Literacy: Mastering letters and sounds for word and sentence building through phonics and phonemic awareness activities. For comprehension mastery, read alouds will happen every 2nd class. For accuracy and fluency students will read at their level in decodable books. Please reach out if you'd like to begin these at home.   

Grade 1 Writing: Creating simple sentences containing a noun and a verb.

Grade 2 Numeracy: We are continuing counting by 2s, 5s, 10s at any starting point, compare and order numbers to 100, addition and subtraction to100

Grade 2 Literacy: Mastering letters and sounds for word and sentence building through phonics and phonemic awareness activities. We are also working on reading strategies such as making predictions and asking questions. 

Grade 2 Writing: Taking simple sentences and turning them into exciting sentences. 

Grade 3 Numeracy: We are continuing counting by 2s, 5s, 10s at any starting point, compare and order numbers to 1000, adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, multiplying and dividing up to 9 x 9

Grade 3 Reading: Apply reading comprehension, accuracy strategies and fluency strategies to deepen reading proficiency. 

Grade 3 Writing: Narrative paragraph writing and the editing process.

Mrs. Kain: Grades 4-5

In ELA, we will be reading the novel “The One and Only Ivan”. For math, we are going to be doing math centers, focusing on multiplication and division. 

Mr. Creed: Grades 6-9

Thanks to all who participated in our science fair. That was amazing!! Such good presentations. The learning & experimenting that you all did in preparation was really great. 

The Math topic for February is Geometry & Equations. 

Be sure to catch-up on the IXL question assignments on Hapara

Email me at:

Book an appointment on calendly:

Mrs. Burton: Grades 6-9

Grade 6 - 9 ELAL (English Language Arts and Literature)

Celebration time! Over Christmas, our Gr. 6 - 9 students read well over 2,430 pages of high-quality, high-impact literature. So proud of everyone! To view students' one-pager projects about their novel study, you can visit either campus where they are on display.

February/March sees us moving into our "Information Bootcamp" for Gr. 8/9 (emphasis on research, discerning reliable sources, detecting bias/slant in non-fiction writing).

For Gr. 6/7, we'll also be diving into non-fiction reading and creation.

For both age groups, the focus is on creating quality information (non-fiction) that others will read/listen to/view.


Looking ahead to our PAT dates: *Note: Exams will be written online using Quest A+

  • June 14 - Math Part A grades 6&9
  • June 15 - Math Part B grades 6&9
  • June 16 - Science grades 6&9
  • June 19 - Social Studies grades 6&9
  • June 20 - ELAL grade 9 only