(a comparison chart)
(a comparison chart)
Educational Assistants: (EAs)
PEP Librarian:
Kimberlie Milner
School Administrative Assistant:
Terra LePage
Fundamentals - Important Initial Information:
● Crucial clarification: The PEP program is ‘Home-based’ and ‘Distance Learning’ oriented. This means that the program is designed such that much of the learning takes place at home and off-campus and requires significant parent engagement. Our program is based on the premise that there is parent educational engagement at home during the day. The parent is, in effect, the ‘educator at home’, or at the very least functions like an ‘Educational assistant’ for the student(s) at home on the student’s day to day learning journey.
The parent(s) and teacher(s) collaborate very closely together in making sure that the Alberta Programs of Study learning outcomes are covered, and that there are appropriate levels of content and skill mastery being accomplished. This is done in the School’s weekly classes portion, and/or in teacher directed or the parent engaged home portion of the PEP program. And, further, that the essentials of the program such as attendance, assignment completion, home portion of the program, monthly portfolio submissions and/or ‘Celebration of Learning’ meetings, regular communication, etc., are happening consistently. This type of educational program is highly collaborative with the parent, teacher and student operating as a cohesive team.
● Please note: In cases where some of the above (Parent educational engagement at home) is not possible, or less feasible, students will be considered for the program on a case by case basis, after an intake interview with the student’s parent(s). If the student is accepted into PEP at WAS then the following will be a mandatory part of the student’s program.
○ The student will be provided with a basic full course package (either in print or on our Hapara platform) and will be expected to work through the material supported by access to the teachers and EAs.
○ The student will be required to attend on an additional part day each week at WAS and work with our teaching and/or EA staff for instructional help and keeping up with their school work. *Please note that it may be the case that the student may or may not attend the regular weekly classes. This will be dependent on the individual student needs & abilities as well as classroom considerations.
○ Additionally, these students will also be required to be available for scheduled check ins, and/or teacher or EA instruction, via ZOOM or Google Meet, once or twice per week in order to help them stay on track with the week’s learning and schoolwork.
● NEW: An additional option for families this year includes the ability to be in the PEP or SRP program without the requirement of attending the weekly classes. ( It will remain an expectation for students to attend field trips and events.) This option is primarily available to families whose driving distance is more than practical or that actually live outside of our Westwind School Division boundaries. It may also provide additional flexibility where a different degree of Inclusive Education needs might be met. (such as extremely high anxiety, debilitating disease, or other scenarios that make actual classroom attendance impractical on the one hand or overly disruptive on the other.) In these cases we will still need to maintain a weekly student-teacher contact ratio (likely email, ZOOM, Google Meet or in person tutorial session at a school campus). All other aspects of the program would remain the same as noted. Students would require access to a computer and the internet to access Hapara, our learning platform.
○ Specific admission standards apply. For further information, please speak to Principal Mike (403) 653-1547 ext. 64502 or mike.devuyst@westwind.ab.ca
How the PEP program Looks…
Teacher Weekly Classes, Learning Extravaganza Days (Field trips & Events), Resources & Library.
(Collaborative home & school instruction model - More teacher led with high levels of parent engagement) The last ‘P’ in PEP is for Partnership
○ Math, ELAL (English Language Arts & Literature), Science & Social Studies.
■ Teachers provide a year plan (Scope & Sequence) and course outlines.
■ Teachers provide Outcomes lists that clearly show which specific outcomes the teachers will be ‘instructing’ in the weekly classes as well as the significant portion of course learning objectives that are to be covered by parental ‘instruction’ - student & family learning activities, family trips and family field trips, as well as the use of resources, activities and outings at ‘home’.
■ Teachers’ ‘class’ instruction and school Learning Extravaganza Days (field trips and events) generally revolve around the ‘Big Ideas’ (essential grade level outcomes) of the particular course..
■ Teachers provide a course of study and associated resources, developed or compiled by themselves, which includes a moderate number of assignments and projects for assessment purposes. (Leaves time & space for parents to provide instruction, assessment and/or enrichment activities on the specified topic/unit on a daily basis.)
● Note: For any PEP students who do not have a ‘parent as instructor’ at home, the teacher will provide additional assignments and assessments for the student to work on with our EAs at school, and at home.
● Note: For Jr. High grades 7-9, teacher course work and instructions, etc., will be on our Hapara learning platform.
■ Parents are encouraged to access supplemental curricular materials and resources from the PEP Library at WAS for use in the ‘At Home / Distance’ instructional component of each course as well as other resources, lesson plans and activities at home or in the community, or from other sources.
■ Teachers also gather & provide ‘Formative Assessment’ during class and tutorial times and at teacher - student and parent visits at the school, or on ZOOM, as well as at school ‘Learning Extravaganza Days’ (field trips and events.)
■ Teachers, parents and students in Jr. High grades 7 - 9 will co-create a ‘Digital Portfolio System’ to capture evidence of student learning mastery from ‘at home’ learning activities and projects which will inform teacher/parent/student collaborative assessment opportunities. Note: Submissions to the portfolio are required monthly at a minimum. For students in grades 1 through 6 this same ‘gathering of student learning’ will be accomplished by way of monthly ‘Celebration of Learning’ parent, student & teacher meetings.
Additional Information
Celebration of Learning Activities PEP & SRP Grades 1 - 6: (Each Month - Required)
○ Grades 1-6
■ Student Led Conferences Zoom or Face to Face ■ A student led conference is an opportunity for students to share with their teachers the exciting things they are learning at home. During the 30 minute conference, the child is the main facilitator. They will choose 3 artifacts (one language, one math, one social studies or science) to highlight and explain why the learning arising from that activity was meaningful to them. Any remaining time in the 30 minute slot can be spent on additional highlights from family field trips, vacations, and hobbies. Some parents and students find it helpful to set the presentation up in Google Slides or keynote. It’s entirely up to each family how they would like to present their learnings.
Please note that WAS is offering SRP again this year. As SRP is ½ PEP and ½ Home Education, you will need to be aware of the information and schedules for each of the two programs.
● In grades 1 - 6 All SRP students will attend the weekly ELAL, Math & Options classes.
Note: Starting in October, SRP students will not attend classes the first week of the month.
● In grades 7 - 9 (Jr. High) students are encouraged to take ELAL & Math as the school portion but they may take the Science and Socials combination at the school instead.
Shared Responsibility programming, is a permitted educational program option in the Guide to Education. For the 2024-25 school year, this option will generally be offered only within our WAS programs. (Exceptions to this may be considered on a case by case basis)
In order for parents to receive accessible SRP funding for the Home Ed portion of the program, students must be registered by Sept. 29 of the school year.
How it works at WAS…
● A parent of a student in a Home Education program agrees to ‘share responsibility’ for the student’s education with the school, in our case WAS.
In Grades 1 - 6
● School Portion:
○ English Language Arts & Literature (ELAL)
○ Math
○ Options class
○ Half of the ‘Learning Extravaganza Days’ FIELD TRIPS (4)
○ A portion of the Learning Extravaganza Days EVENTS (tbd).
■ Note: The specific Learning Extravaganza Days (Field Trips & Events) selection will be decided firstly, by those opportunities, if any, that most closely correspond to the specific courses of study in the school portion of the program, and secondly, by a collaborative conversation between the parent and the teacher, and the approval of the Principal of the school.
● Home ED Portion:
○ The remaining areas of required classes and/or learning outcomes will be undertaken by the parent(s) in accordance with the Home Education Regulation and the WAS Supervised Home Education program. This includes, but is not limited to:
■ Science (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.)
■ Social Studies (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.)
■ PE & Health and meeting minimum daily activity standards (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.)
■ Instruction in ‘desirable personal characteristics’.
The parent must conduct an evaluation of the progress of the student at regular intervals and maintain a record of the methods and dates of those evaluations (Home Portion). The parents must also maintain dated samples of student work and a general record of the student’s activities.
In Grades 7 - 9
School Portion:
○ English Language Arts and Math or Science and Social Studies
○ Half of the ‘Learning Extravaganza Days’ FIELD TRIPS (4)
○ A portion of the Learning Extravaganza Days EVENTS (tbd).
■ Note: The specific field trips and ‘Learning Extravaganza Days’ selection will be decided firstly, by those opportunities, if any, that most closely correspond to the specific courses of study in the school portion of the program, and secondly, by a collaborative conversation between the parent and the teacher the approval of the Principal of the school.
Home ED Portion:
○ The remaining areas of required classes and/or learning outcomes will be undertaken by the parent(s) in accordance with the Home Education Regulation and the WAS Supervised Home Education program. This includes, but is not limited to:
■ Science (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.) (Math, if the reverse option is chosen)
■ Social Studies (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.) (ELAL if the reverse option is chosen)
■ PE & Health and meeting minimum daily activity standards (Alberta Program of Studies or Areas of study from the Home Education Regulation list.)
■ Instruction in ‘desirable personal characteristics’.
Please note that the parent must conduct an evaluation of the progress of the student at regular intervals and maintain a record of the methods and dates of those evaluations (Home Portion). The parents must also maintain dated samples of student work and a general record of the student’s activities.
Teacher / Facilitator: Larry Murray larry.murray@westwind.ab.ca
Home Education/Code 600 Program
(Parent Directed/Teacher Supported)
Grades K-12
In order for parents to receive accessible Home Education funding, students must be registered by Sept. 29 of the school year.
Home education is a parent-directed approach to educating a student in Grades K to 12 at home or elsewhere in which they are responsible for making all education decisions.
Parents choose curriculum resources and methodology consistent with their family’s beliefs and consistent with the Home Education Regulation.
Parents looking to start or refine a home education program should refer to the Home Education Handbook.
The handbook includes information on:
● planning the child’s education program
● understanding legal rights and responsibilities
● following through with a home education plan
● planning supports and services
● ending a home education program
● planning for transitions
Please note that, amongst other legislated responsibilities, the parent(s) must conduct an evaluation of the progress of the student at regular intervals and maintain a record of the methods and dates of those evaluations. The parent(s) must also maintain dated samples of student work and a general record of the student’s activities. Parents also must make themselves and their child(ren) available for meetings with the teacher/facilitator at least twice per school year for the teacher to assess program and student progress.
All School Family Events! At WAS, our Home Education students, and their families, are invited to participate in six (6) All School Family Events throughout the school year. These are great WAS community building activities where our students, families and school staff get together to get to know one another and build stronger WAS community / ‘family’ relationships.
See our 2024/2025 Field Trips & Events Link. Please also note that at our Open House in the spring we have program and grade level transitions information meetings.