Outreach Gr 10-12


The Outreach Program is a very flexible grades 10 - 12 option with a variety of instructional delivery models and a number of different scheduling and attendance opportunities. Outreach provides the ability for students to be enrolled full-time at WAS or to be enrolled full time at their regular high school and simply take one course or a few courses at the Alternate School. We have Outreach locations at Cardston, Magrath, Raymond and Stirling. 

Here is how it works:

  • We have classrooms and teachers at each of our locations.
  • Students come in, or Zoom in, for an intake meeting.
  • Usually we will have students registering for a  full-time Outreach program take a couple of diagnostic exams to see if they are ready for grade level coursework and where to start them. Courses are aligned with the Alberta Programs of Study and can often be taken either in print form or online.
  • We will meet with the student and parent to discuss attendance options (how much at school vs how much at home) and select the courses to start with, the expectations and the progression through high school.
  • Students work towards one of Alberta's High School Diploma or Certificate pathways.
  • While at the campus, students usually work at their own pace in a classroom with a few others doing the same and who each may be working on different courses. 
  • The teacher is available to work with each student individually, or in some cases in small groups. 
  • Teachers schedule individual blocks of time for students to ensure each student gets personalized attention, and to manage the number of students who may be in attendance at any given time.
  • We generally try to keep the same basic bell time schedule as the corresponding high school.
  • We are increasingly using Hapara for course content, especially for students who are doing most or all of their work at home.
  • The Outreach portion of a student's program has no parent or student funding. 
  • To register in the Outreach program
    • Those enrolled at a Westwind high school should ask their Academic counsellor or an administrator about taking a course(s) at WAS. They can direct you to your next step. This usually involves coming over to one of our campuses to talk to a staff member. In most cases, this will involve scheduling a formal intake meeting; we want to ensure parents are aware of students' decisions to take Outreach courses.
    • Students wanting full time Outreach program should schedule can drop into our campuses in the Spring to learn more about our programming and pick up an Outreach brochure. Formal intake meetings start the first week of classes in September.  Students can enroll in the Outreach program through out the year until May 1st.  A full time Outreach program can include some face-to-face classes at a Westwind community high school, provided space is available. Your Outreach teacher can direct you in this process. This typically involves you visiting to the high school to inquire about spacing and scheduling.
    • Those intending to register for a "Westwind School Division" online registration is required. Westwind's online registration portal.
    • A Westwind registration is required before Outreach classes can begin.  This enables our teachers to verify course pre-requisites and access other necessary intake information.


September Intake & Registration Appointments


Raymond / Stirling campus September appointments

Magrath campus September appointments

Cardston campus September appointments

Registrations and intake meetings will occur Tuesday September 3rd to Friday September 6.

Classes will start on Monday September 9. After September 9, registration appointment availability decreases (usually only at lunch, after school, and on Fridays).

A Westwind School Division registration is required before class times can be assigned. If you're certain about this programming, please complete this before your intake meeting.  Alternatively your intake meeting may also be focussed on deciding what programming options are best for you. In this case, completing a Westwind School Division registration is not needed nor recommended.


New Outreach students planning on attending our Cardston campus must first meet with principal Mike DeVuyst. After this principal meeting, intake meetings with our Cardston teachers can then be booked using the above links.  This meeting will assign students to specific classes and specific time tables. To schedule a meeting with Mr. DeVuyst, please call our school secretary at 403-653-1547. 

New Outreach students in Magrath, Raymond, and Stirling have their principal meeting combined with their intake meeting. These are scheduled by the individual teacher and are booked via the links above.


TEACHER LED delivery option

A traditional classroom format is compressed into regular multi-hour workshops. Teachers work with small groups of students to master core skills. Because the majority of work is completed during class, regular attendance is essential.  Homework, while rare, is sometimes assigned to practice essential skills and to independently explore a few non-core topics.  Course selection is limited. Program capacity is minimal.


Students who need structure to succeed

Students with reading comprehension challenges

Students with regular attendance patterns

Courses at the -3 level

Core courses (with multiple registrants)

BLENDED delivery option

Students come in for one or more periods of regular teacher led instruction.  This is combined with a number of independently completed units &/or topics. Homework is regular and its timely completion is essential.  Depending on the course and teacher instructional periods may:

only focus on a few core concepts

provide a “big picture” overview to a unit

focus on lab skills and/or project-like applications



Academically average students with average to above average work discipline or students with poor work discipline but who are academically very quick

Students who need some teacher direction but who are overwhelmed by too much teacher control or too much student independence

Difficult academic subjects and diploma courses

FLEX delivery option

Students attend classes at a traditional high school but come over to the Alternate school at set times for additional help.  Tests can be completed at the traditional high school or at the Alternate school. This enables students to keep working on a unit even though their “class” may have moved on before they themselves were ready.



Students who need the structure of a regular class

Students who need large amounts of teacher instructions

Students who may need extra time to complete some units

Students for whom flexible attendance options are counter-productive


Some students come in already knowing a lot of a course’s content. Teachers in this delivery option quickly assess student knowledge, filling in gaps with custom workshops, independent distance learning resources, or take home assignments. Students have significant voice in selecting an optimal balance between the level of competency they want to achieve and the time it takes to get there.



Students with broad knowledge who pick up content quickly and who may prioritize pace above grades

Students who have taken and failed a course due to incomplete assignments rather than lack of ability

Students with lots of experience in certain course areas (often CTS courses)

GED program

Students complete Canadian Adult Education Credential (the new GED) books on their own. Teachers provide tutor support. Students may chose to complete teacher led workshops in order to get Alberta course credit.  CAEC tests can only be written once students turn 18.




Grade 11 or 12 students with minimal high school credits

Attendance is a recurring issue

Students who are willing to wait until they are 18+ to get their GED


While similar to flex delivery, students are only permitted to attend school at specific times.  In some cases attendance frequency is similar to Flex programming. In other cases all work is done at home.  Students study all concepts on their own, making appointments for extra help. While most questions are answered during scheduled time periods, student can email or phone at anytime for additional help.




Students with average reading comprehension levels and are independent

Students with short attention spans and difficulty working in school environments

Students who struggle with the structural requirements of other WAS programs


This is a non-academic program designed to provide a safe environment for a very limited number of students.  Work typically involves free reading and non-rigorous student selected open-ended projects. Some co-ordination with counselling services also occurs.   This program may involve occasional life skills seminars or workshops.




Students who are not working toward a high school diploma

Students who would like to remain connected to a school atmosphere, but for whom academic rigour or structure may produce counter-productive consequences.

Students whose entire course of studies is Outreach based must register with Westwind Alternate School.  Local High School students intending to take Outreach courses must obtain permission from their parents & their school’s principal.

Teachers in each Outreach campus can provide students and parents with divisional registration links, WAS course options & lists, and graduation verification & tracking services.

Our Outreach Model is based on a “one-room schoolhouse” philosophy.

Most courses follow a tutor based instructional model.  


  • assist students in comprehending directions found within distance learning course materials,
  • provide subject matter expertise to help students master essential learning outcomes (each campus is staffed by different subject matter experts)
  • design intervention programs for students encountering specific learning challenges,
  • provide access to courses local High Schools may not be able to offer due to scheduling and staffing limitations,
  • work in partnership with their local High School’s administrative, counselling and academic services

Outreach program flexibility allows students to succeed

Whether it's getting a low literacy student writing their first story, or providing an off-schedule Physics 30 course to meet College deadlines, Westwind’s Outreach program provides the flexibility needed for life and academic success. 

Being a young parent is tough:  

Outreach flexibility enabled several young parents to continue their goals of achieving a high school diploma.  Because balancing school and a new baby is complicated, students took a lighter course load and extended course deadlines from a 4 month schedule (regular semester) to a 10 month schedule (full year).  Scheduling private after school tutoring sessions allowed students to keep in touch with their teacher even when babysitting wasn't available.

Not every student masters a concept the first time:  

Several outreach students were struggling with the pacing of their math classes.  Instead of taking a non-academic math stream, students took the academic math course through the Outreach program but extended it over a full year.  This gave them time to master all essential concepts. This kept them in the stream they needed for College.

Graduation Awards


Students are eligible for WAS graduation awards in their final year of study, provided their school registration is with us (50% or more of core classes taken at WAS).

All students eligible for graduation designations and their associated awards need to be enrolled in courses that will lead to graduation in June of that academic school year.


Graduation Designations & Awards

Due to fluctuating graduate numbers, one of two different award methods are used.  Outreach teachers in conjunction with the school principal decide which award method is most appropriate for a given school year.


1: Single Award

Outreach teachers select a single student for special designation.  The decision for this option is based upon:

  • there being a low number of graduating students,
  • there being a single student who stands out from other graduates based upon WAS’ student graduate rubric.
  • Award value is $1000.


2: Principal's Award of Excellence

Each major campus selects a Principal's Award of Excellence recipient.  The decision for this option is based upon:

  • there being a high number of graduating students,
  • there being highly qualified candidates at each campus as per WAS' student graduate rubric, but no one which stands out significantly above all others.
  • Award value is $350 per student in the case of three awards, and $500 per student in the case of two awards.



  • Contending students have their academic histories reviewed and tabulated.
  • Outreach teachers then meet to discuss which award option is given.
  • Rubrics are then analyzed and awards/designations are determined.



Valedictorian Award


Due to the small number of graduates WAS has each year, grade based awards do not always meet the high standards associated with traditional school valedictorians. To preserve the integrity of this designation, and maintain WAS integrity-value standards, potential valedictorians must exceed pre-determined academic standards to enter into the running for the WAS Valedictorian designation and award.  Minimum standards are:

  1. An average of 80% or better in all registered courses in grade 11 and grade 12 years.
  2. Completion of an “academic” stream of course work, including:
    1. English 30-1,
    2. Social 30-1,
    3. Any two of the following courses, Chem 30, Science 30, Physics 30, Biology 30, Math 30-1, Math 31.
  3. 85% or better average standing in Eng 30-1, Soc 30-1 and any two courses listed in 2c, and with no mark in those counted courses falling below the 80% standard.
  4. 50% or more of their courses in the grade 12 year, or as aggregated through their grade 10-12 years, taken via WAS.
  5. Completion of some significant community building or performance work, such as tutoring, volunteer work, class instruction, sports, performing arts, fine arts, which is also completed to an above average standard as compared to the general population of grade 12 students.

Students who meet these standards then enter into competition for the single Valedictorian Award and designation.


Award value - $500 (or $750 if school funds allow)

This award is given on top of any other Graduate Awards.


* courses that have a diploma mark completed and marked prior to June 1, shall have the combined (teacher+diploma) mark counted.  June courses shall have the latest teacher mark counted.

* averages shall exclude Work Experience marks

*CTS courses should be weighted according to the CEU value (ie ⅕ the weighting of a 5 cr course)

* Grade averages are calculated based upon the year the courses are taken, not their 20 or 30 level standing.



Other Awards

In any given year the Principal at his/her discretion may present additional awards, not present all possible awards, or not present awards at all, based on individual circumstances and/or recommendations from school staff.


Valedictorian Rubric





Academic Criteria Met

  • 80%+ avg in all grade 11 courses
  • 80%+ avg in all grade 12 courses
  • Eng 30-1, Soc 30-1, 2 math/sci 30’s (2c courses)
  • 85%+ avg in 2c courses
  • 80%+ in all designated 2c courses
  • Community building or performance work



Grade 11 average


x 1


Grade 12 average (all courses)


x 1


Grade 12 2c course average


x 2


Community / Performance work
(breadth of work, eg multiple areas)

High = 5

Low = 1


x 0.5


Community / Performance work
(depth of work, eg above average standing)

High = 5

Low = 1


x 0.5


Total  / 25

Campus/School Award Rubric







Percentage of courses taken at WAS




Student suitability report history (WAS optimized)




Financial need




Significance of life & learning obstacles which were overcome




Grade average (WAS)

grade 11 avg at 0.5 weight

grade 12 avg at 1.0 weight




Total  / 22